
Mar 19, 2009

4 How is Our Next Body Determined?

How is Our Next Body Determined?

There are two factors that determine which body we shall obtain in the
next birth. The first is our karma -the reactions to our good and bad
activities that were performed in this life and in previous lives. The
second factor is our desire to enjoy particular sense objects.

The example of a man purchasing a car is appropriate in this regard.
He has a desire to enjoy in a particular way with his car, and he also
has a certain amount of money to spend. He takes both
factors into account to determine which model to purchase.

Krishna tells us that the state of consciousness that we have upon
leaving the present body determines the type of body that we will have
in the next birth.' This is our "final exam" which we
should study for throughout this life by cultivating remembrance of
Krishna. One may think that at the time of death he will suddenly make
up for the rest of his life by "getting religion." However, things
don't work that way. The thoughts, desires
and attachments that one has cultivated throughout his life will be
reflected in those final moments. There is no way to cheat on this

As far as activities are concerned, we should only perform activities
that carry no karmic weight (technically called "akarmic" activities),
so that we will not have to return to this world either to receive bad
or good results. Then we will return
to the spiritual abode of the Lord.
1. Bhagavad-gita 8.6

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