
Mar 18, 2009

20: Krishna's Energies

Krishna's Energies

Krishna, the Supreme Lord, has three types of energies: 1. Material,
2. Spiritual, and 3. Marginal. The material energy is the dull matter
that has no consciousness. The spiritual energy is the conscious
energy that is devoted to His service. The marginal energy consists of
the living entities--individual souls, such as ourselves, that have
the choice of either identifying with matter or spirit.

In actuality, the marginal potency (individual spirit souls) is also
spiritual. Because of his marginal position, the soul can be
illusioned by the material energy, and completely forget his real
nature. As soon as the soul associates with the material nature, he
becomes conditioned. He tries to enjoy this material world, which is
by nature different from him, and consequently he is frustrated in his

If the spirit soul associates with the spiritual nature through the
processes of devotional service: hearing about Krishna, chanting His
glories, remembering Him, worshiping Him, serving His lotus feet,
offering prayers, carrying out His orders, becoming His friend, and
surrendering to Him, the soul will be situated in his constitutional
position and enjoy unlimitedly.

The soul is often compared to a small spark that will only continue
blazing as long as it remains in the fire. When it is removed from the
fire its. illumination is quickly extinguished. Similarly, the soul
will experience eternity, bliss and knowledge only as long as he
remains engaged in Krishna's service. Otherwise, his true nature will
be covered.

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