
Mar 18, 2009

27 The Six Senses

The Six Senses

In the Bhagavad-gita Krishna explains that we have six senses,
including the mind. At the present time, because we are identifying
with the material body, we are controlled by these senses. Depending
upon which of the three modes of nature (goodness, passion, and
ignorance) we happen to be affected by, we seek certain objects for
each of these senses in order to satisfy them (the senses). As one
thinks about the sense objects one develops a desire or attachment for
them and this desire causes one to attempt to obtain them. However,
once obtained, the senses demand more or different sense objects. The
person who relies on his senses to obtain knowledge is bewildered
since his senses are faulty.

This world is full of variety. Businesses are creating and providing
products not only to fulfill all types of desires for sense
gratification, but to stimulate new desires with the aid of the mass
media. Thus, the living entity is being pulled here and there by his
senses in an never-ending attempt to become satisfied.

Only by engaging the senses in the service of God can one be freed
from slavery to the senses.
1. Bhagavad-gita 2.62

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