
Mar 18, 2009

26 Service to God

Service to God

The Vedic literatures recognize that each person is an individual,
with specific abilities and propensities. A devotee is engaged in
Krishna's service in accordance with these proclivities. What makes
the activity devotional service is that the results are offered to

In the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna stresses that all of the results of all
of our activities should be offered to Him. l The devotee consults the
spiritual master to determine which activities are in harmony with his
psychophysical nature, and how to offer the results of such activities
to the Supreme Lord. The devotee may be engaged in a variety of
activities, but in each of them the devotee is thinking of pleasing
Krishna and the spiritual master.

Devotional service is open to everyone, regardless of caste, creed,
race, or sex. Devotees see beyond the body to the soul, and therefore
are free from all material bias. A devotee is never to be considered a
man, woman, black, white, or any other designation that pertains to
the body. A devotee is simply seen as a servant of God.

1. Bhagavad-gita 9.27

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