The perverted Material world
In the Bhagavad-gita, krishna compares this material realm with a
banyan tree that has its roots upwards and branches down. we may think
that such a tree does not exist, but we can perceive such a tree as
the reflection of an actual tree on the bank of a river.
The root of such a tree, or where the actual tree and the reflected
tree join, can be compared to the desire of the individual soul, which
is manifest by his utilization of free will. By this free will he may
choose to enter into the spiritual realm(actual tree) or the material
world(reflected tree).
Just as a reflection is an inverted replica of the original, the
relationships in this world are reversed representations of the
relationships in the kingdom of God.
The Vedas tell us that there are five rasas, or relationships, that
exist in the trancendental dimension: 1.Passive adoration,
2.Servitude, 3.Friendship, 4.Parental affection, and 5.Conjugal love.
The rasas are sometimes flavored by indirect relationships that come
and go appropriately according to different situations. All of these
relationships have as their focal point Krishna, Who is understood as
the enjoyer in every instance, whereas the individual soul is the
enjoyed, taking as his only pleasure the satisfaction of the Supreme
Soul. This attitude brings complete satisfaction to the soul.
here in the perverted reflection(material world) the individual soul
attempts to be the enjoyer, taking all other entities, the material
energy, and even God as the objects of enjoyment. The conditioned soul
structures his life is such a way as to maximize this enjoyment, but
is continuously frustrated. Ultimately, everything is taken away by
the Supreme Lord in the form of time.
bhagavad gita 15.1-4
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