
Mar 18, 2009

16 Material love

Material love

What we call "love" in this world is simply the self-centered desire
to enjoy the "beloved" object. So our love for something or someone is
dependent upon whether or not our senses are being pleased.

For example, people generally love animals such as cats because of the
sensual attraction to soft fur, or dogs because of the dog's desire to
please the master. But, very few people are interested in embracing a
cockroach, because a cockroach is displeasing to our senses. However,
a cockroach is a living entity with feelings like any other due to its
essential spiritual nature.

When we think that we are experiencing a loving mood with some other
creature, we are illusioned because we are unaware of their
consciousness which is not "at one" with ours. It is thinking of its
own gratification.

When one loves Krishna, one will love all living entities equally and
truly, because of the spiritual family relationship that is there.
Krishna tells us that we are all His "parts and parcels", His sons and
daughters. A devotee of Krishna has no hatred for any living entity,
just pure, unselfish love.

A Krishna conscious person is able to properly express this unselfish
love and benefit all living entities, because he is aware of their
real self-interest. However others, even if they are well-intentioned,
can never give any real help to the self--the soul in the body.
Material help is temporary. Spiritual help is eternal.
The real self-interest of all living entities is Krishna consciousness.

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