
Mar 18, 2009

Chap31 The Peace Formula

The Peace Formula

Everyone wants peace and happiness. This is not obtainable materially.
If we study history we will not find a single man who has obtained
this goal through material means. Unfortunately, we refuse to learn
from history, and we obstinately think that this elusive peace will be
ours one day.

A fish out of the water can never be happy, regardless of the
amenities that it is given to enjoy--furniture, clothes, television,
etc. Similarly, the soul, when it is not acting in its constitutional
position (servant of God) will always be uncomfortable.

Real peace can be had by accepting the fact that Krishna is the
enjoyer, proprietor, beneficiary of all activities, and our eternal

Krishna is the proprietor of all of the planets and universes. No one
is greater than Him. He is the master of the material nature, and all
living entities are bound by His laws. Fortunately, He is also our
greatest friend. So by obeying and serving Him lovingly, we can find
true peace and happiness.

1. Bhagavad-gita 5.29

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