
Mar 18, 2009

19: Three gates leading to Hell

Three gates leading to Hell

The Bhagavad-gita describes that there are three gates leading to
hell: lust, anger, and greed. These activities cloud the consciousness
like a drug and have caused many people to lose their good name,
morality, family and health, as well as to grievously harm others.
Spiritually, these activities blind a person and make him unable to
understand spiritual truth. Falling deeper and' deeper into illusion,
the soul will have to suffer
' greatly. One who is sane should give up these three principles. l By
following the four regulative principles and chanting the Hare Krishna
MahaMantra: Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare
Rama Hare Rama Rams Rama Hare Hare, one becomes gradually freed of
these unwanted desires.

When Lord Krishna appeared 500 years ago as Lord Caitanya, He compared
the process of chanting Hare Krishna to the cleansing of a mirror. The
mirror of our mind or consciousness is clouded by the contaminated
association that we have had in this world; not only during this
lifetime but throughout past lives. The chanting cleanses the mirror
of the mind, puts out the fire of material lust, makes our lives
auspicious, situates us on the transcendental platform, awakens us to
transcendental knowledge, and gives us the pleasure for which we have
been hankering.

The chanting of the Lord's names is the most important activity for a
devotee. This chanting is the most important religious practice of
this age (Yuga-dharma) A devotee should chant incessantly. In order to
do this one must cultivate humility.

1. Bhagavad-gita 16.21
2. Sri Sri Siksastaka 1
3. Sri Sri Siksastaka 3

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