
Oct 18, 2010

Lord Rams Arrows for Kali Yuga

Iskcon Silicon Valley launched its latest project for annual december book distribution marathon.
This time the target to achieve is 25000 books by december end.
We call it "The MSF of 25k" :)

I went with some devotees to 2 places for last 2 weekends
1) Festival of Diwali celebration in Cupertino by bay area Indian
A lot of indian families with their kids came to the festival. It consisted of a main big pandal or tent for cultural dance & drama show & surrounded by a number of small tents selling food,mehendi,indian dresses, etc .... environment similar to an INDIAN mela.

Early afternoon was the most crowd expected & we were there on time .
At first it was difficult to stop indians & show bhagavad gita & other books. I heard similar comments " we have this!" "I donot have time" "I am not interested"

Sri Krishna purushottam Pr,a leading book distributor, heard this comment from an indian gentleman " I Know this"
Sri Krishnapurushottam pr replied "What do you know ?"
The indian face shot with anger but he did not reply & simply continued walking & then after few steps he turned back & said " I know better than You"

I took a break ,read a chapter of Krishna book & rested for some time looking at the eager indian faces who had come to the festival looking for some Pleasure.------- Pleasure seeking souls.
I thought in every thought , word & action a soul is seeking pleasure

as the evening started to set in i stood up & joined the book distribution again.
Then i saw a different scenario set in
As the indians were retreating back to their home with their children lagging behind they had faces of profound despondent. I approached them with Bhagavat gita in hand & they seemed to reply "Lets try this "
It was then when i was able to distribute many books to the retreating indians.
Their enjoyment had failed & they were experiencing "chewing the chewed " phenomenon.
Finally they saw with Hope on Lord Krishna & his timeless message "The Bhagavad Gita"

Finally i could happily do my part of book distribution as the sun set in.

2) Foster city apartment
Foster city is where Big companies like IBM & Oracle have their huge offices.
The city is very clean & every effort is made to make it look very green & clean.
It was a door to door book distribution .So we knocked every door of the 200 apartment village.
I was simply amazed at power of Lord Caitanyas sankirtan movement.
In door to door book distribution we would be easy be looked as a similar salesperson selling soap or carpets.
But i found that when devotees stand at the door , the person in the house somehow comes to know(maybe through param-atma) that this person is different from the normal salesperson.
I was shown respect for the cause that i supported. I said " We are from the local yoga institute distributing these books on Yoga & meditation which tells you how to get free from stress & get an inner purpose for life" & People responded well .
Many took books & gave donations. I thought myself to be "the Transcendental Salesperson"

I saw 2 american born teenage indian girls playing & i showed them the Krishna book .
They were very happy seeing the photos of Krishnas pastime .
I said " who would buy the book ?"
The girl named Sri said " I shall buy" , The other one named manu said " Sri you buy & i shall borrow the book from you " :)
Just then one lady came out to see their girls & I said to her " She wants that book "
She then replied to her child " We have this , we have mahabharat "
I said " This is not mahabharat it is Krishna stories from Srimad Bhagavatam "
She some how resisted & girl returned her book. I gave her the temple card & mahamantra magnet sticker to her .She looked at the mahamantra & said " I know THIS"

As i was walking back I thought they didnot take the books & it is Dusshera today
Lord Ram killed Ravana it is victory over Evil.
These books i compared them to as Lord Rams arrows which are loving placed in our hands to distribute to the lost souls of this world.
Lord Rams arrows once shot never fail
how is it that the book didnot go?

Well the arrow was shot & it is only a matter of time for that girl to become a devotee.
Any soul who appreciates the Lord & his pastimes & get attracted to it has started his journey back , Back home back to Godhead.
The spiritual science works seemingly on small sukrutis -- a small gesture of spiritual affinity.
When they are filled up to a critical threshold Lord Rams arrow of love hit the soul & afflicts him with love & longing for Lord Ram.

Aug 11, 2010

Modern Food Corporation vs God

Modern food companies are creating genetically modified seeds & patenting it.When the Green revolution was started it was started for a reason to end hunger in this world. But money has taken over this principle & now these companies are simply patenting seeds & earning more money while certain parts in the world are still starving for food.

Can a food corporation patent seed or life ??
They are not creating from nothing but simply manipulating what that exists.
So how can they claim something which already existed?
like a carpenter may manipulate a wood of a tree to make tables & chairs but he cannot claim them as the wood belongs to the owner.
So these scientist cannot claim on their patent seeds & who knows ? Are these seeds good for health ? scientist have imperfect senses & imperfect devices there are not full knowlegdable of the material world & thus mistakes have crept into these Genetically modified seeds!!!

Isopanishad clearly explains to whom everything belongs
Sri Isopanisad 1

isavasyam idam sarvam
yat kinca jagatyam jagat
tena tyaktena bhunjitha
ma grdhah kasya svid dhanam


Everything animate or inanimate that is within the universe is controlled and owned by the Lord. One should therefore accept only those things necessary for himself, which are set aside as his quota, and one should not accept other things, knowing well to whom they belong.

So everything belongs to Lord & one who claims something is a Thief
All living entities in the material world have their quota set for them & one has not to encroach on other quota.
Gandhi said "Earth can provide all living entities need but not a Single persons Greed"
Greed is the real cause of starvation & hunger

Do we need genetically modified foods??


om purnam adah purnam idam
purnat purnam udacyate
purnasya purnam adaya
purnam evavasisyate


The Personality of Godhead is perfect and complete, and because He is completely perfect, all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly equipped as complete wholes. Whatever is produced of the Complete Whole is also complete in itself. Because He is the Complete Whole, even though so many complete units emanate from Him, He remains the complete balance.

The invocation says clearly anything coming out of the complete whole is Complete
As this earth has also come from the Supreme Lord it is complete in all sense.
Thus EARTH has full potency to provide & nourish all needs of living entities in this world however big the population would become.
Thus there is no need to genetically modify seeds

Instead the whole research should be transformed into Organic ways & having organic pesticides which are bio-degradable & edible & not detrimental for human & animal health.
There are so many proofs of chemical pesticides polluting land & water
it won't be surprising if genetically modified grains result into harmful results on human & animal health.
These scientist need to understand that they have not created the Nature & cannot control it
but they can co-operate with nature & get wonderful benefits for all humanity.

Jul 12, 2010

Goals Vs Execution Gap

Too often companies are unclear of their goals
coaches & players are not on the same page
To translate goals into action is the major problem in most organisation

it is very nice to come with great goals & strategies but it is quite an another thing to get those goals done ----------- Execution GAP

Why goals are not translated into actions??

revealing stats:

a) 15% identify with the goals --- due to -- there may be many goals --- vastly uncommunicated -- -- or they are changed to often --- or they donot have any
Even though the leader may be very clear with goals it does not mean that the frontliners know of the goals
The frontline produces the bottomline

b) 19% say that they feel passionate about their goals
reasons --- they feel no ownership --- they have no input on what is needed to achieve that goal ---they are not connected to the goal --- no involvement , no commitment ,

c) only 49% time is used on to achieve the goals ---- reasons --- they are distracted by urgent things to neglect the most important things --- even though they know what the goals are , they donot know what they are suppose to do about them.

d) 51% donot understand what they are suppose to do to achieve the goals

Goals won't be achieved untill each & everyone understand what the goals are & what is needed to achieve those goals.

then & then only one shall think out of the box to achieve the Goal.......... Steven Covey

Jul 4, 2010

Can we be a kind friend to all ??

Well Yes !!

But in the right perspective

let me give you an example
there are 2 brothers & the younger one starts crying
the older been compassionate tries to help his younger brother by giving him a toy to play with or a sweet to eat or may be engage him in talking & laughing or playing or something else
but he sees that even by his many attempts the younger brother is not satisfied & is still crying
now the older one has only one solution left --- take his younger brother to his mother
& that works the younger one is pacified in the shelter & association of his mother & the crying stops .

We all living entities in this world are all parts & parcel of the Supreme personality of Godhead Sri Krishna. We have forgotten their relationship with Krishna & searching him in the temporary & envy filled relationship of this material world ,thus been frustrated in the material world we are all CRYING.

A preacher who understands the above fact & is reviving his lost relationship with God.When he tries to help lost souls Krishna says in Gita he should be a kind friend to all & well-wisher of all souls

Ya but in Gita Krishna says he is the Best friend of all living entities so how can we be friend of all when krishna is the real friend

bhoktaram yajna-tapasam
suhrdam sarva-bhutanam
jnatva mam santim rcchati


A person in full consciousness of Me, knowing Me to be the ultimate beneficiary of all sacrifices and austerities, the Supreme Lord of all planets and demigods, and the benefactor and well-wisher of all living entities, attains peace from the pangs of material miseries.

We can be kind friend & well-wisher of all if we facilitate Krishnas friendship with all living entities
Friend is defined as a favored companion & Krishna as the paramatma Supersoul resides in everyliving heart whichever body that soul may take
A preacher may live with a soul for one lifetime only so if he directs the lost soul back to Krishna then he is true kind friend of all
But if he takes Krishnas position & tries to independently satisfy & pacify the lost souls without directing them to Krishna then he is not TRUE friend.

So the right perspective is confirmed in Srimad Bhagavatam by Prahalad maharaj

tasmat sarvesu bhutesu
dayam kuruta sauhrdam
bhavam asuram unmucya
yaya tusyaty adhoksajah


Therefore, my dear young friends born of demons, please act in such a way that the Supreme Lord, who is beyond the conception of material knowledge, will be satisfied. Give up your demoniac nature and act without enmity or duality. Show mercy to all living entities by enlightening them in devotional service, thus becoming their well-wishers.


The Lord says in Bhagavad-gita (18.55), bhaktya mam abhijanati yavan yas casmi tattvatah: "One can understand the Supreme Personality as He is only by devotional service." Prahlada Maharaja ultimately instructed his class friends, the sons of the demons, to accept the process of devotional service by preaching the science of Krsna consciousness to everyone. Preaching is the best service to the Lord. The Lord will immediately be extremely satisfied with one who engages in this service of preaching Krsna consciousness. This is confirmed by the Lord Himself in Bhagavad-gita (18.69). Na ca tasman manusyesu kascin me priya-krttamah: "There is no servant in this world more dear to Me than he, nor will there ever be one more dear." If one sincerely tries his best to spread Krsna consciousness by preaching the glories of the Lord and His supremacy, even if he is imperfectly educated, he becomes the dearmost servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is bhakti. As one performs this service for humanity, without discrimination between friends and enemies, the Lord becomes satisfied, and the mission of one's life is fulfilled. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu therefore advised everyone to become a guru-devotee and preach Krsna consciousness (yare dekha, tare kaha 'krsna'-upadesa [Cc. Madhya 7.128]). That is the easiest way to realize the Supreme Personality of Godhead. By such preaching, the preacher becomes satisfied, and those to whom he preaches are also satisfied. This is the process of bringing peace and tranquillity to the entire world.
bhoktaram yajna-tapasam
suhrdam sarva-bhutanam
jnatva mam santim rcchati
[Bg. 5.29]
One is expected to understand these three formulas of knowledge concerning the Supreme Lord -- that He is the supreme enjoyer, that He is the proprietor of everything, and that He is the best well-wisher and friend of everyone. A preacher should personally understand these truths and preach them to everyone. Then there will be peace and tranquillity all over the world.

The word sauhrdam ("friendliness") is very significant in this verse. People are generally ignorant of Krsna consciousness, and therefore to become their best well-wisher one should teach them about Krsna consciousness without discrimination. Since the Supreme Lord, Visnu, is situated in the core of everyone's heart, every body is a temple of Visnu. One should not misuse this understanding as an excuse for such words as daridra-narayana. If Narayana lives in the house of a daridra, a poor man, this does not mean that Narayana becomes poor. He lives everywhere -- in the houses of the poor and those of the rich -- but in all circumstances He remains Narayana; to think that He becomes either poor or rich is a material calculation. He is always sad-aisvarya-purna, full in six opulences, in all circumstances.

So Prabhupad points above the right perspective that the best well-wisher is one who helps in reviving a lost soul relationship to Krishna

Some quotes on friendship to ponder upon
A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.
----- Paramatma the supersoul is the one who understands our past & believes in our future & accepts the way we are , permitting all the desires that we have.

A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.”

---- The lost souls of the world have forgotten the song in their heart ie the call to Krishna So Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu has come to make us remind of that song, the Hare krishna mahamantra

tomāre loite āmi hoinu avatāra
āmi binā bandhu āra ke āche tomāra
I have descended just to save you; other than Myself you have no friend in this world.

Jun 4, 2010

What Pleases Krishna ??

What Pleases Krishna ??

well ......He can only answer what pleases HIM

Many people when introducing them or in About Me section write
" if you want to know me read my so & so BLOG "

TO know Krishna One has to access his BLOG...

Srimad Bhagavatam & other puranas & histories like Ramayana & Mahabharata
is like Krishnas Blog :-)
Lets get insights from HIS blog to understand HIM.

There is a very nice incident from Mahabharata where in Duryodhana is trying to please Krishna by inviting him to dinner but Krishna refuses . Following is the conversation
Struggling to control his anger, Duryodhana replied, “It is not befitting that You treat us so, O Madhusudana. Whether Your objects are achieved or not we are bent upon pleasing You with our hospitality. You have denied us that opportunity with no good reason, O best of men. We feel no enmity toward You and therefore cannot understand why You snub us in this way.”

Krsna was grave. “I never abandon virtue from motives of desire, anger, hate or attachment. One should eat another’s food if there is love between them or if he is in distress. O King, you do not please Me and I am not in distress. For no reason you have borne malice toward the Pandavas from their childhood. Your cousins are virtuous and devoted to the good of all beings. Whoever bears malice for such blameless men bears malice toward Me. He who follows the virtuous follows Me. Know that I am merged in the Pandavas and cannot be separated from them.”

Instead Krishna goes to Viduras house & has simple food there
some say he was offered a banana or simple vegetable

Krishna is pleased by Love & affection of HIS devotee
He confirms this in Bhagavad Gita 9.26

patraḿ puṣpaḿ phalaḿ toyaḿ
yo me bhaktyā prayacchati
tad ahaḿ bhakty-upahṛtam
aśnāmi prayatātmanaḥ


If one offers Me with love and devotion a leaf, a flower, fruit or water, I will accept it.
In the Purport Srila Prabhupad writes.................
Kṛṣṇa wants only loving service and nothing more. Kṛṣṇa accepts even a little flower from His pure devotee. He does not want any kind of offering from a nondevotee. He is not in need of anything from anyone, because He is self-sufficient, and yet He accepts the offering of His devotee in an exchange of love and affection.
No other condition, such as becoming a brahmana. a learned scholar, a very rich man or a great philosopher, can induce Kṛṣṇa to accept some offering. Without the basic principle ofbhakti, nothing can induce the Lord to agree to accept anything from anyone. Bhakti is never causal. The process is eternal. It is direct action in service to the absolute whole.

Even trying to know Krishna fully is like putting Krishna under the microscope of our intelligence or imagination, that also is not bhakti ----- it is like trying to know him fully & then
control him ------ That is not bhakti

a rich person cannot oblige Krishna who is supremely rich

Krishna is the one has the 6 opulences in full
ie all-knowledgeable
all- beauty
So anybody trying to appease Krishna simply because he has a small quantity of any one of the
above 6 opulence is NOT Bhakti . On the strength of above opulence One cannot force or oblige Krishna

It is only through Bhakti ie devotional service
& devotional service means how much devoted we are to Krishna ?
how much loyal are we to Krishna ?
How much time & energy we putting in Krishna ?

The gopis were completely Loyal to Krishna & put their complete time & energy into Krishna
so they are the highest devotees of the Lord
A great learned Uddhava when saw this quality of the gopis he desired to be the grass in vraja to
get the dust of Gopis

They followed a simple formula : Donot try to Know Krishna ....Simply try to Love Krishna

Simply put your heart in serving Krishna & everything will be revealed by the mercy of Krishna
Donot try to know Krishna in a way to control him
but know him to be the most Sweet master , a master who is very different from the masters whom we encounter in this material world

& Krishna himself confirms in Srimad Bhagavatam

na sādhayati māḿ yogo
na sāńkhyaḿ dharma uddhava
na svādhyāyas tapas tyāgo
yathā bhaktir mamorjitā


My dear Uddhava, the unalloyed devotional service rendered to Me by My devotees brings Me under their control. I cannot be thus controlled by those engaged in mystic yoga, Sāńkhya philosophy, pious work, Vedic study, austerity or renunciation.

May 14, 2010

Priorities ... Do the Big Rocks First

Memories from Festival of Inspiration 2010

Seminars , devotee association, kirtan , nama yagna , mangal arati , variety of Prasad , drama ,New vrindavan memories & Srila Prabhupads legacy ............. This is all about Festival of Inspiration

Following are the few important points & remarks from the various seminars that i attended in NV

--- Grihastha Vision Team
1) live by your core values ..........
what Qualities you wud like ur spouse & children remeber you For?
What would you like ur influence on he World & community to Be?
2) Compassion is our Core Value
Our happiness depends on the degree with which we live to Our Core Values

3) Language of Love
--- affectionate appreciation
--- receiving Gifts
--- meaningful service
--- Shared activity
--- Touch

4) COmpassion is more important Than LOve
Preach the fundamentals of KCON with compassion.

Work on ur relationship & connection

-------- Lecture by HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj

types of Co-operation
--- don't try to destroy each other
--- somehow carry on with the service & be tolerant
--- Vaishnava co-operation ---- see the spirit behind & fan the spark
Prabhupad saw the Good where there was Practically NONE.

be Sincere, Serious & with No Ulterior Motives

Symptoms of a devotee
1) One who chant the holy name once
2) one who is always chanting the holy name
3) one who upon seen by anyone are immediately inspired to chant the holy nameis a topmost devotee

------ lecture by HH Romapada Swami

I complained that i had no shoes until i saw a man that had no Shoes.
Gratitude is not a behavior but feeling
Spiritual conception of Proprietorship
--- I am Yours Krishna & You are Mine
this means that the relationship with krishna is permanent & that is Ours

External obstacles are simply Internal Obstacles

taking shelter of Lord Krishna is to determine ourselves to continue KCON engagements even though obstacles are present & been the humble Servant of Lord & devotees

When Difficulty comes ?
---- Ask Krishna ..... What you want me to learn from this ??
---- consult guru, sadhu , sastra

Failure will not prevent us from realising our capability but fear to Failure will

one is awarded Grace if he wants to be sincerely with Krishna
We go to Krishna to ask for solutions but he wants our Heart
so in good or bad times i SHall go to Krishna

----- Lecture by HG Vaisesika Pr
Overcoming Weakness of Heart
--- Attachment to things that are not attached to Krishna
---- Envy of other devotees progress
--- deceit -- cheating mentality
--- Longing for Position & Fame

Accept that every problem in our life is due to our past deeds only
Voluntary life changes --- voluntary accept favourable & reject unfavourable to KCON
Inspirational sadhana --- sadhana which gives some inspiration
Service (ie telling people about Krishna ) gets Superior Strength & Knowledge
Dandavats & holding the hands high up in air in kritan pours out weakness of heart

Apr 23, 2010

Devotee care by HH Radhanath Swami

Devotee care by Radhanath Swami

Radhanatha Swami: "Although the foundation of a building cannot be seen, it holds up the entire building. Without a strong foundation, in time, even the most glorious palace will crumble. The foundation of our communities is in our spiritual practices, our moral values and in our personal relationships. It is a tendency to prioritize those endeavors that bring quick tangible results. However, those results are soon to crumble unless we balance our priorities with the foundational personal needs of our devotees. Effective spiritual leaders are responsible to provide mature vision to assure the welfare of our devotees in the present and for the future. People need to feel loved, cared for and appreciated. Creating this environment is foundational to a Krishna Conscious community. Without such relationships few people will continue to chant the holy names with sincere feeling.

Modern corporate farming aims at immediate results with little concern for how it affects the environment in the future. Srila Prabhupada condemned it. He stressed sustainable farming wherein we are very sensitive toward living in harmony with Krishna's natural plan.

Lord Chaitanya compared Krishna Consciousness to cultivating the seed of bhakti in the field of the heart. It is important that we cultivate devotee's hearts in a sustainable way wherein they will remain faithful and enthused throughout their lives. Too many times we push devotees to get the fruit of some result but as time passes the tree of his or her enthusiasm dies. Srila Prabhupada would call that 'penny wise and pounds foolish.'

Srila Prabhupada was a perfect leader. He could push his devotees to get big results but at the same time his love, compassion and care would nourish, sustain and bring the highest joy to our hearts. He profoundly cared for each devotee who came to his society and expected his leaders to do so on his behalf. He expressed his concern again and again for our sadhana, and service attitude but also our health, the quality of our Prasad, our children and he was especially concerned that we felt happy, protected and inspired in our devotional service. We felt nourished and empowered by his love and care even from thousands of miles away and even if we only personally saw him every couple of years. Once when stressing the importance of caring for the devotees, he exclaimed, "I have shed buckets of blood for each and every devotee." Radhanatha Swami: "When I was serving in a previous ISKCON community, the priority was given to projects with little vision toward sustaining a quality spiritual life for the people giving their lives to build the project. There was little priority given to educating or encouraging healthy family relationships. Everything was focused on work and sadhana. Any other consideration was labeled as maya. I began to realize that our so-called hard work and strong sadhana is superficial if we are neglecting or causing pain to Krishna's beloved devotees. It appeared that the devotees were seen as disposable tools to build the project. Grand accomplishments were achieved in that place but without a healthy, caring community it was a building without a solid foundation.

In the course of fulfilling those incredible projects, many devotees' hearts were broken. They felt uncared for and gradually the morale of the once thriving community disintegrated. Over the years I witnessed too many people who had come to Srila Prabhupada's society with innocent faith and enthusiasm only to later suffer emotional anxiety do to neglect, feeling they had been cheated or rejecting ISKCON in bitterness. What I saw broke my heart. I believed that our leaders needed to take serious responsibility, on Srila Prabhupada's behalf, to be caretakers of his beloved children. When I came to India, I thought, let me try to do the opposite of what I had seen, projects before people. If I fail, let me fail in this way. Therefore our mission became – If the devotees are cared for spiritually, emotionally and physically, Srila Prabhupad and Krishna will be pleased and the projects will naturally flourish. ."


Apr 13, 2010

Preacher :::: Being a friend to ALL

I went to nagar sankirtan last week & i was trying to distribute books
As usual i felt an unwilling feeling to stop people & show them the book
Thoughts like " This book distribution is so hard ,
will people listen to me ??,
they are so materialistic!!!!
they are not stopping , :(
forget it lets go to dance in kirtan that is simple :-)
I can't Do this ;-) "

But i persisted & tried my best .

Then HG Vaisesika Pr a book distributor for last 35+ yrs was teaching a newcomer how to stop people & distribute books
& i felt lets learn again ................why not ?? lets get some basics to work

He said " Use your Radar !!!! raise your hand & see into their eyes & say """ HI """ """How are you doing today ?"
Now the key here is when we look into their eyes they would respond
but response level is NOT the same of all people

1 --- some would look at you & then shun away
2 --- some would reply & say "Hi" but without a smile
3 --- some would reply & walk by fast thinking you are another salesperson

5 --- respond with a smile
6 --- when u walk to them they would walk to you

So a response of 0-5 has more possibility of book being rejected
but above 5 is excellent condition for book distribution

When i heard this ..... i said lets TRY IT ....
I had made up my mind & gave up my own way of Book distrbution
& took to this advice & opened my eyes
& said to myself " Lets be a friend to these souls "

& a normal smile came upon my face & i said to the first person " HI How are u doing today ??"
& he smiled back & said " Good" & then i walked to him smiling (bcos his response was 5 or 6)
& said " Here is a book for YOU . a book on yoga & meditation""
& then it WORKED ................ i got him take the book

i felt sooooooooooooooo happy ...............

& then i tried to every one who passed by .... some responded with 0-5 level so i did not disturb them but rather looked for another person...
& i could stop & distribute books to 5 people in this way

& lesson & realization i had was .... i felt satisfied with my service.I felt inner happiness .

When we try to distribute books we tend to force upon people, who have no interest ,with the expertise of our philosophical & tactical ways but the result is we are not able to distribute the books & this causes sadness in OUR heart .
rather if we concentrate & put energy on interested people we can have more chances of SUCCESS.

As i was reading Srimad Bhagavatam first canto the same point was expressed .
Srimad bhagavatam is the only thing that can bring revolution in the lives of unfortunate souls.
So why one shud think of HIS own way or idea of Revolutionizing this world
thus Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati said " He who think of reform needs to be reformed first "
Simply because Srimad Bhagavatam which is Krishna himself can only revolutionize the world.
better co-operate with HIM

So ifelt if i follow whole heartedly the ways of book distribution by experienced devotees like
HG Vaisesika Pr i can be a part of that revolution ....
& this is what happened on harinam .......... i felt for the first time satisfied.

2) an elderly person whom i stopped listened patiently to my explanation
& asked me a question " Can you explain in one line what is the purpose of the Book??"
I thought for a moment & said " It is to bring spiritual happiness in our lives"
& then again he asked " In one line can you explain what i am needed to do to really get benefit on this path."
& i thought for a moment & repeated the words of my guru & all acarayas " One needs to be Sincere on this path"

Apr 2, 2010

The bottled water cheating story
"""" the world is a place of cheaters & cheated """"

Mar 26, 2010

Srila Prabhupad .... Simply Wonderful

Srila Prabhupad " I am like a Cow wherever you take i shall give milk"

(prabhupad listening to his own tapes)?? ......" Because i didnot speak it "

"I have captured Krishna I am holding it for you ,you come take it "

I am Insignificant .......

Srila Prabhupad " ..... There is one temple commander & he thinks he is very important "

nonsense of bodily consciousness

Srila Prabhupad "Some one is thinking that you are the body & if you are disturbed
thinking that someone is thinking that you are a body then you are also NONSENSE"

Bodily consciousness is there but if i am getting distracted by then that is my nonsense.

Servant of the Servant

Srila Prabhupad "You name is Bhakta das which means you are the servant of devotees
The more you think as a servant the more you will Advance in spiritual life
The more you think yourself as master , the faster you will go to HELL."

Mar 23, 2010

Sri Ram Jai Ram Jai Jai Ram ......

Lord Ram & his story
Dear all,
Wish you all a very Happy Ram Navami

The great sage Sukadeva explains: "Lord Ramachandra's spotless name and fame, which vanquish all sinful reactions, are celebrated in all directions ... all the saintly kings and all the demigods, including Lord Shiva and Lord Brahma, worship the Lord by bowing down with their helmets. Let me offer my obeisances unto His lotus feet."

Jai sri ram

"/Probably no other work of world literature has produced so profound an
influence in the life and thought of a people as the Ramayana/."
*(A.A.Macdonell, Literary Historian)*

pictures from

Mar 21, 2010

Conflict ..... Good or Bad?

it is natural that when two or more people are working together .There are Conflicts
Severe disagreements & this leads to a lot of misunderstanding , strain , stress in the relationship between team members. The team can be of simply friends, wife & husband, teams in company or in parliaments etc.

There will be conflicts due to personalism
everyone is a person so everyone shall have a different approach , idea ,feelings, emotions

Recently in my team we were having conflicts & i found that it served to improve our relationship

Conflict in its Own is not good or BAD! but what we do out of it?
how we look at it ?
How we try resolve it is the Great Question ?

If we depart just because of petty differences we would simply screw the whole project
But if we take this as an opportunity to understand each other , to understand each others needs
, each others concerns, each others limitations we shall be able to work Happily
& with mutual respect,understanding & love thus adding to the health of the Project .

So i see this as an OPPORTUNITY to understand each other & respect each other
& resolve this conflict by Putting Higher principle of Krishna Consciousness & Service to guru & Vaishnavas before us & try to Love each other with ALL their FAULTS.

This is what it means to co-operate
if we had same like mindedness we would be just ONE.
But because we have differences we have to Co-operate & become ONE in purpose , in Aim , in Goal

Prabhupad said, "You will show your LOVE to me by how much you cooperate with each other"

This higher principle if kept before us then all conflicts can be resolved
thus we TOO resolved the conflict aroused in my team......................................

Mar 11, 2010

Donot critize or praise materialistic people

In this world we spend hundreds of gallons of blood to bring a person out of the clutches of maya
Today at 8:34pm
Once some devotees were sent to establish a preaching center in Bengal. They worked day and night, equipping it as a beautiful temple. When Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati arrived to install the Deities, he was very pleased and asked about one brahmacari who had worked hard on the preparations.

The disciples told him, "Master, he became entangled with a lady. We rebuked him so much for his behavior that he fled from this place."

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta replied, "I don't want to establish a preaching center here, nor do I want to install the Deities. In this world we spend hundreds of gallons of blood to bring a person out of the clutches of maya. If that person make some mistake, it will be washed away by his serving Hari, Guru, and Vaishnavas, but you have chastised him and he has gone away. I don't want to make a center here. Search for him and bring him to me; otherwise I will go away.

The anxious disciples began to search for that brahmacari. Madhava Maharaja, who at that time was name Hayagriva Brahmacari, found the errant brahmacari, apologized, and asked him to return.

The brahmacari wept, saying, "I was serving here, in a watch company, but I was not really happy. I wanted to return, but I was thinking, 'How can I show my face?' So I did not return." He at once went running ad weeping to Srila Bhaktisiddhanta, thinking him more merciful than Krishna Himself, and all his anarthas were washed away in a moment.

Bhaktisiddhanta told his disciples, "The purport is that we should not criticize anyone, whether a devotee or a worldly person." Then he quoted a sloka:

"The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: 'One should neither praise nor criticize the conditioned nature and activities of other persons. Rather, one should see this world as simply the combination of material nature and the enjoying souls, all based on the Absolute Truth. Whoever indulges in praising or criticizing the qualities and behavior of others will quickly become deviated from his own best interest by his entanglement in illusory dualities." Srimad Bhagavatam (11.28.1-2)

Bhaktisiddhanta continued: "To bring a person from the clutches of maya is very, very hard. If lust or any other attachment is present in that person's heart it will go away very soon, if he is chanting and remembering and listening to Hari-katha. Be very careful. Don't criticize devotees or non-devotees. First look at your own condition, and try to purify yourself. Is there any lust in you? Is there any kutinati (deceit) in you, or not? Be worried for that; don't worry for others. Sri Guru and Lord Sri Krsna are responsible for others. You cannot do anything to help them, so you have no right to criticize."


from Bhaktisiddhantha Vaibhava..........on Facebook

Mar 8, 2010

Yoga Dogs

The YOGA Dogs in the picture say"""
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We do Yoga to become expert in eating sleeping mating & defending!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yoga is not done to remain Dogs but to alleviate oneself from the animal life to spiritual life
life of spirit ......
but in todays world Yogic asanas are used as a medium to improve the eating sleeping mating & defending so then there lies no difference between Animals & human beings
as said in the MahaBharayta below

ahara-nidra-bhaya-maithunam cha,
samanyam etad pashubhir naranam
dharmo hi tesham adhiko vishesho,
dharmena hina pashubhih samanah
“The activities of eating, sleeping, mating and defending are
common in animals and human beings. The human beings are
considered superior only when they inquire about the Absolute Truth,
otherwise they are considered as good as animals.”

Feb 21, 2010

Radhe ..........

Look what has he written on his Hand ???

Thats the name of his Lover

...............Radhe ..............

brahman main dundhro puranana ganan, veda rica suni cauguna chayan
dekhyo, sunyo kabuhu na kitun vah svarupa au kaise subhayan
terata herata hari paryo raskhani batayau na loga lugayan
dekhau durau vah kunja kutir mem baitha palotatha radhika payan
"I searched the Supreme in songs of Puranas,
hearing Vedic verse my desire quadrupled.
Still nowhere did I see or hear about His real form or nature
Aho! cries Rashkan. All my searching and calling has failed!
Then a far in the kunja kutira
I saw Him sitting massaging Sri Radhika's lotus feet."
From the most famous Brijbhasha poets was Raskhana, who was previously a Muslim who fell in love with Radha and Krishna. Raskhan was actually his Muslim name, but in Hindi it means the abode of rasa, or the treasure house of love.