one good thought came to my mind
Prabhupad said "You can show your love for me by how much you co-operate "
I thought what it means by co-operation??
just helping or been favourable !!! is that co-operation !
well it could be a low-level of co-operation but real co-operation means MORE than just been good or supportive or have sympathy or admiring or lauding the effort
Then prabhupad himself answered it in one of his letters.
He wrote to Brahmänanda in 1967:
I have read your statements regarding opening centers. I am not in agreement with Mr. Altman that we are expanding very thinly. In my opinion, a single sincere soul can maintain a center. You know I started the center at 26 Second Avenue alone. I took the risk of 200.00 dollars per month for the rent. At that time there were no assistants. Mukunda was at that time a friend, but there was no responsibility for him for maintaining the center. Gradually Kirtanananda and Hayagriva joined, but they did not take any responsibility. Still I was maintaining the establishment simply depending on Krishna and then Krishna sent me everything—men and money.
prabhupad answers that
---- co-operation means to take responsibilities
that is highest level of co-operation.
To shoulder the responsibility of your guru. .... that is real co-operation
As Prabhupad is expecting from devotees in the above letter
so is he expecting from us all that spirit to take responsibilties & execute the orders,projects,tasks as left & deliniated by Him & previous acaryas
...........................And .That shall remain my Meditation.........
The unifying principle in our movement of strong minded persons is submission to and faith in the orders of Srila Prabhupada. Cooperation means becoming humble and subduing our egos. It's difficult, but purifying. We must cooperate because that is one of Srila Prabhupada's most important instructions. Both individually and collectively, we will be lost without it. It is a sign of Srila Prabhupada's success that we have developed strong minds, and a further sign of his success that we continue to live and work and cooperate respectfully together despite our personal and philosophical differences, even though Srila Prabhupada is not physically present to pacify us. If the spirit of cooperating to please Srila Prabhupada is strong, even strong differences can be lived with. .......................... HH Bhaktivikas Swami maharaj
COOPERATION means to be willing to sacrifice for the sake of others.... HH Radhanath Maharaj
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