
Jul 4, 2010

Can we be a kind friend to all ??

Well Yes !!

But in the right perspective

let me give you an example
there are 2 brothers & the younger one starts crying
the older been compassionate tries to help his younger brother by giving him a toy to play with or a sweet to eat or may be engage him in talking & laughing or playing or something else
but he sees that even by his many attempts the younger brother is not satisfied & is still crying
now the older one has only one solution left --- take his younger brother to his mother
& that works the younger one is pacified in the shelter & association of his mother & the crying stops .

We all living entities in this world are all parts & parcel of the Supreme personality of Godhead Sri Krishna. We have forgotten their relationship with Krishna & searching him in the temporary & envy filled relationship of this material world ,thus been frustrated in the material world we are all CRYING.

A preacher who understands the above fact & is reviving his lost relationship with God.When he tries to help lost souls Krishna says in Gita he should be a kind friend to all & well-wisher of all souls

Ya but in Gita Krishna says he is the Best friend of all living entities so how can we be friend of all when krishna is the real friend

bhoktaram yajna-tapasam
suhrdam sarva-bhutanam
jnatva mam santim rcchati


A person in full consciousness of Me, knowing Me to be the ultimate beneficiary of all sacrifices and austerities, the Supreme Lord of all planets and demigods, and the benefactor and well-wisher of all living entities, attains peace from the pangs of material miseries.

We can be kind friend & well-wisher of all if we facilitate Krishnas friendship with all living entities
Friend is defined as a favored companion & Krishna as the paramatma Supersoul resides in everyliving heart whichever body that soul may take
A preacher may live with a soul for one lifetime only so if he directs the lost soul back to Krishna then he is true kind friend of all
But if he takes Krishnas position & tries to independently satisfy & pacify the lost souls without directing them to Krishna then he is not TRUE friend.

So the right perspective is confirmed in Srimad Bhagavatam by Prahalad maharaj

tasmat sarvesu bhutesu
dayam kuruta sauhrdam
bhavam asuram unmucya
yaya tusyaty adhoksajah


Therefore, my dear young friends born of demons, please act in such a way that the Supreme Lord, who is beyond the conception of material knowledge, will be satisfied. Give up your demoniac nature and act without enmity or duality. Show mercy to all living entities by enlightening them in devotional service, thus becoming their well-wishers.


The Lord says in Bhagavad-gita (18.55), bhaktya mam abhijanati yavan yas casmi tattvatah: "One can understand the Supreme Personality as He is only by devotional service." Prahlada Maharaja ultimately instructed his class friends, the sons of the demons, to accept the process of devotional service by preaching the science of Krsna consciousness to everyone. Preaching is the best service to the Lord. The Lord will immediately be extremely satisfied with one who engages in this service of preaching Krsna consciousness. This is confirmed by the Lord Himself in Bhagavad-gita (18.69). Na ca tasman manusyesu kascin me priya-krttamah: "There is no servant in this world more dear to Me than he, nor will there ever be one more dear." If one sincerely tries his best to spread Krsna consciousness by preaching the glories of the Lord and His supremacy, even if he is imperfectly educated, he becomes the dearmost servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is bhakti. As one performs this service for humanity, without discrimination between friends and enemies, the Lord becomes satisfied, and the mission of one's life is fulfilled. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu therefore advised everyone to become a guru-devotee and preach Krsna consciousness (yare dekha, tare kaha 'krsna'-upadesa [Cc. Madhya 7.128]). That is the easiest way to realize the Supreme Personality of Godhead. By such preaching, the preacher becomes satisfied, and those to whom he preaches are also satisfied. This is the process of bringing peace and tranquillity to the entire world.
bhoktaram yajna-tapasam
suhrdam sarva-bhutanam
jnatva mam santim rcchati
[Bg. 5.29]
One is expected to understand these three formulas of knowledge concerning the Supreme Lord -- that He is the supreme enjoyer, that He is the proprietor of everything, and that He is the best well-wisher and friend of everyone. A preacher should personally understand these truths and preach them to everyone. Then there will be peace and tranquillity all over the world.

The word sauhrdam ("friendliness") is very significant in this verse. People are generally ignorant of Krsna consciousness, and therefore to become their best well-wisher one should teach them about Krsna consciousness without discrimination. Since the Supreme Lord, Visnu, is situated in the core of everyone's heart, every body is a temple of Visnu. One should not misuse this understanding as an excuse for such words as daridra-narayana. If Narayana lives in the house of a daridra, a poor man, this does not mean that Narayana becomes poor. He lives everywhere -- in the houses of the poor and those of the rich -- but in all circumstances He remains Narayana; to think that He becomes either poor or rich is a material calculation. He is always sad-aisvarya-purna, full in six opulences, in all circumstances.

So Prabhupad points above the right perspective that the best well-wisher is one who helps in reviving a lost soul relationship to Krishna

Some quotes on friendship to ponder upon
A friend is someone who understands your past, believes in your future, and accepts you just the way you are.
----- Paramatma the supersoul is the one who understands our past & believes in our future & accepts the way we are , permitting all the desires that we have.

A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words.”

---- The lost souls of the world have forgotten the song in their heart ie the call to Krishna So Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu has come to make us remind of that song, the Hare krishna mahamantra

tomāre loite āmi hoinu avatāra
āmi binā bandhu āra ke āche tomāra
I have descended just to save you; other than Myself you have no friend in this world.

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