The Regulative Principles of Freedom
There are positive and negative injunctions for those wishing to be
successfully in spiritual life. For example, if one wishes to start a
fire he must apply heat(positive injunction) as well as avoid pouring
water(negative in junction) which would hurt his recovery.
there are four pillars of sinful life: the eating of meat, fish and
eggs; the taking of intoxication;the attempt to enjoy illicit sex(sex
outside marriage); and gambling. these activities pollute the
consiousness, where as devotional service purifies the consciousness.
On addition, one who performs these activities will have to suffer a
heavy karmic burden. That is, he will have to experience very negative
reactions in the future for the activities performed at present.
One normally thinks that regulations are restrictions on freedom, but
a little reflection will
help one realize that this is not so. When criminal activity is
restricted, citizens are "free" to walk of the streets. When one
regulates his eating and exercising, one becomes "free" to enjoy
healthy life. Likewise, by not engaging in meat?eating, intoxication,
illicit sex and gambling, the individual becomes free of their
negative effects. His consciousness becomes less restricted by
material conditions and bad karma so that he is able to better
understand spiritual truths.
One who does not follow these restrictions, is not considered to be
truly a human being, even though he may possess a human body.
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