santosha trishu kartavyah /
svadaare bhojane dhane
santosha trishu na kartavyah /
svaadhyaaya japa dhaanayoh
"One should be always satisfied with these three things - their spouse, the food, and the amount of wealth they obtained. One should never be satisfied with these three things - the amount of scriptural study, the amount of chanting (japa) and the amount of charity they performed."
Chanakya Pandit
Man's Psychology:
n A man's sense of self is defined through his ability to achieve results.
n To offer a man unsolicited advice is to presume that he doesn't know what to do
or that he can't do it on his own. Generally speaking when a woman offers unsolicited
advice or tries to "help" a man, she has no idea of how critical and unloving she may
sound to him.
n Women's Psychology:
n A woman's sense of self is defined through her feelings and the quality of her
n If a man does not understand how a woman is different, he can make things
worse when he is trying to help. Men need to remember that women talk about problems
to get close and not necessarily to get solutions.
So many times a woman just wants to share her feelings about her day, and her husband
thinking that he is helping, interrupts her by offering a steady flow of solutions
to her problems. He has no idea why she isn't pleased.
A general problem is that every wife thinks that her husband is not giving her time
and every husband thinks "I am doing so much for her, what else can I do?" The
situation arises due to high expectations from each other. The general solution is to
accept one's partner as he / she is and carry out duties by mutual consultation rather
than dictatorial attitude. Labeling a woman as less intelligent and trying to lord it over
her is the biggest impediment in the grihastha ashram.
The fabric of grihastha ashram(household life) becomes stressful, gets weakened, jaded and often
times torn apart due to several but totally avoidable reasons.
Six thumb rules for Good married life:
The following six thumb rules, not necessarily spiritual in their character, are
useful in leading a happy grihastha life
n Do not nag.
n Do not forcefully try to change the nature of your partner. Be exemplary.
n Do not criticize.
n Give honest appreciation.
n Be attentive to small acts of kindness and be a good listener.
n Be courteous, respectful and honour each other.
Achievement becomes automatic when Goal becomes inner commitment.
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