
May 18, 2009

25 Apr 09 exp

1) Sheetal Pr distributed his first Hard Bound Bhagavad Gita & he became so excited 
that he boldy stopped many people & showed them books & his enthusiasm never decreased by 
those who did not accept a book but it simply went on increasing .I was very inspired by him.
In Mahabharata it is said that when a six foot arrow used to peirce a warrior he would become 
more eager to fight strongly.I could see that in Sheetal Pr today.

2) Ashutosh Pr did amazing book distribution .His humility attracted every person. He distributed a Gita to a muslim person 
This muslim person was a very pious person & listened to us for nearly half an hour patiently.
he was impressed to hear that Prabhupad said " I have not come to convert but to make a christain a better christian 
a muslim a better muslim & a hindu a better hindu"

3) A young teen indian boy stood by the table suddenly & i asked him what is ur name.
He replied " Caitanya" I became instantly happy & showed him Caitanya MahaPrabhu Photo.
Then i explained him about bhagavad gita & the concept of soul.I asked him holding his hand
" what is this " 
He replied " This is my hand " 
Then i pointed at his nose & he said " This is my nose" 
then i pointed to his eyes & he said " this is my eyes"
& Then i asked the billion dollar question " THEN where are YOU ??"
He started laughing & then i showed him the soul transmigration picture & explained him " we not this body but the soul within 
the body" I was so happy explaining him because he was simply grasping every concept with good understanding like a Sponge 
Later he told me that he is reading Harry Potter So i told him i have here every book on philosophy & only one story book 
ie: Krishna Book & showing him i tried to convince him to take it but he said his mother won't buy
seeing his eagerness i said " then cry to her to buy it as you do for a chocolate" .
He then went to his mother & they seemed to have a discussion
Later as they were getting into the car his eyes met mine & it said that he wanted the book but mother is not listening.
So i took the Krishna Book & went to her & said " Your child like this book " & i explained it containing Krishna pastimes showing the pictures in it .
She said " Oh we have Bhagavad gita " i said this is bhagavatam the stories of Dhruva, prahalad & narshima comes from these
Then she immediately bought the book & i put the book in his hand & he smiled & wisked into the car saying 
" I am going to read it right away"
I suddenly felt jealous about him because he accepted the Absolute Truth so easily & at such a young age.
But i am happy to be an instrument in connecting Caitanya With Lord Caitanya.

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