
May 18, 2009

19 jun 08 experience

1) Book distribution on Ekadasi is very auspicious.
Many sincere souls took Books & heard the mahamantra.I didnot face any bad incident .
Today paramatma seem to have taken the mood of Caitanya Mahapr he guided some good
interested souls to Srila Prabhupad books. I am grateful to Srila Prabhupad that he has given a trascendental service
of book distribution which is so dear to Krishna that he specifically incarnates in the most munificent incarnation
& takes a position of a beggar asking people "Please Chant Krishnas holy name"

2) An Indian christian was looking very intently at the books I showed him " beyond illusion & doubt"
& told him this book is a comparison of western philosophy with vedic wisdom .
He went through the topics of contents & said " why there is no christainity in it ?"
I said " because chirstainity is a Bonafide religion ' I repeated Srila Prabhupad
words " we have great respect for Jesus Christ We consider him to be our Spiritual Master"
He felt happy & showed a huge smile. & he replied "Are you the hare krishna hare rama people ...................?"

3) An indian muslim also came by & was very polite person.
He felt uncomfortable to take books.
I told him that there are 99 names of ALLAH you can chant those names.

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