May 31, 2009
Perhaps Yadunath’s most well-received sketch is The Horse Race, a short piece depicting the race between a spiritual seeker’s setbacks and his boosts. “And coming up on the outside rail is Chanting Hare Krishna once again, Chanting Hare Krishna still in the race,” the announcer yells in typically intense fashion. “But creeping up on him is That Darn Sex Desire. There’s Pride and Lack of Humility running neck and neck. And look! Pulling out in front, there’s Oops I’m a Fanatic! Passing on the inside is Devotional Service. But hot on his heels are Spiritual Life is Too Hard, Dark Night of the Soul, and My God Why Hast Thou Forsaken Me!”
“I’m very grateful for that piece,” Yadunath says of it. “Although it’s only three minutes long, people have told me that the journey it describes is uplifiting—it seems that the struggling soul is bound to fall from grace, and then the announcer calls…”
“But wait! Outrunning the entire pack, from out of nowhere, here comes Prabhupada’s Mercy! Prabhupada’s Mercy now rushing the field, and he seems to be bringing Love of God with him, too!”
“When that line came, the entire audience simply exploded, showing their love and gratitude for ISKCON’s founder,” Yadunath says. “That was by far the most satisfying moment for me.”
May 29, 2009
12 Principles and Values behind a Krishna Conscious Family Life
12 Principles and Values behind a Krishna Conscious Family Life
1. Alignment with Shrila Prabhupada [in line with guru, shastra (scripture), and sadhu (previous and current advanced devotees)]
2. Spiritual Growth and Progress
3. Spiritual Equality / Material Difference
4. Positive and Realistic Vision
5. Mutual Respect and Appreciation
6. Commitment and Dedication
7. Open & Honest Communications
8. Personal and Social Responsibility
9. Economic Development & Prosperity
10. Focus on Children's Welfare
11. Family Love and Affection
12. Exemplary Lifestyle
1. Alignment with Srila Prabhupada
• Krishna Conscious family life is consistent with the teachings and example of Srila Prabhupada.
• Srila Prabhupada's teachings must be applied with consideration of time, place and circumstance.
• In the field of grihastha life, one should take into account the local culture without compromising Srila Prabhupada's teachings. One should not attempt to simply transpose practices from one culture to another without understanding the principles and values underpinning them.
2. Spiritual Growth and Progress
• Family life (and the home itself) should be an ashrama, a place for spiritual culture.
• The grihastha ashrama is considered higher than the brahmachari ashrama, an opportunity for personal and spiritual growth by extending one's responsibility.
• Mutual respect between the ashramas is an essential feature of a healthy society.
• Personal growth and character formation are integral to the process of spiritual development.
• Though Vaisnava theology values ultimate renunciation, such renunciation has to be internal and mature. Otherwise it is inappropriate and may be dangerous both individually and socially.
3. Spiritual Equality / Material Difference
• The Gaudiya Vaisnava theology offers a clear conceptual model to address issues of unity and diversity, and contemporary notions of equality and underpinning views and values.
• Men and women exhibit general physical and psychological differences that need to be acknowledged as practical realities, while simultaneously avoiding rigid and/or unhealthy stereotypes.
• Husband and wife best negotiate their respect roles with consideration of Krishna Consciousness and their own personal and cultural backgrounds.
• Men and women have equal rights to practice spiritual life, and to develop their individual relationships with Krishna.
• Householders are advised to integrate—as far as possible—their material and spiritual identities. Even though the latter is ultimately more important, a devotee should not neglect self-understanding on the material level.
4. Positive and Realistic Vision
• One should enter the grihastha ashrama with the correct attitudes and expectations, especially being careful to avoid misinterpretation of scriptural truths and/or being influenced by inappropriate personal/social paradigms.
• One should, as far as possible, avoid both negative attitudes and unrealistic expectations towards married life—both may dampen one's enthusiasm. It is also essential to hold before oneself suitable criteria for "a successful marriage."
• Marriage should be chosen for the appropriate reasons—for example, out of a sense of one's individual dharma rather than a mentality of profit-calculation.
• Long-term vision and strategic planning are important aspects of householder life—while simultaneously maintaining a mood of dependence on Krishna.
• Support from elders, as far as possible/practical, is important in entering into any marriage arrangement.
5. Mutual Respect and Appreciation
• Respect for all others is a basic Vaisnava value.
• Without mutual appreciation, it is not possible to develop more intimate relationships. A decline in appreciation will lead to a deteriorating relationship.
• One should visibly appreciate the spouse, even (or especially) for regularly-performed or obligatory duties.
• One should learn to develop intimacy without familiarity.
• Grihasthas should develop a sense of mutual protection—though this may be expressed in different ways by/for each partner.
6. Commitment and Dedication
• With determination and unshakable commitment one can surmount the inevitable hard times that come in married life.
• Affection and love don't happen automatically—as in the popularized concept of romantic love—but are developed through service.
• Divorce should be avoided at all costs, i.e. except in exceptional circumstances.
7. Open and Honest Communication
• One should set aside quality time for heart to heart communications with the spouse and children.
Lesson Two Principles and Values
• Revealing one's heart/mind in confidence, and listening, are important exchanges between Vaisnavas.
• One should maintain open dialogues with appropriate others, and avoid denial, especially on sensitive issues, e.g. intimacy and sex-life.
• It is often useful to actively seek training in communications skills.
8. Personal and Social Responsibility
• Entering the grihastha ashram is an opportunity to take on more Krishna Conscious responsibility.
• Devotees, as servants of Krishna, are also servants of society.
• Devotees can preach effectively by demonstrating responsibility, integrity, and other exemplary qualities.
• Taking suitable responsibility is essential in overcoming negative emotions and perceptions, such as low self-esteem, discouragement, feelings of failure, etc.
9. Economic Development and Prosperity
• An important householder duty is to generate wealth and prosperity by ethical means.
• A householder should not neglect his duties regarding wealth and developing economic stability. Poverty, as well as greed, can be impediments to spiritual life.
• A devotee should avoid an unhealthy poverty-mentality, understanding the potential benefits of prosperity, both individually and to promote Krishna Consciousness.
• Charity is an essential duty for grihasthas.
10. Focus on Children's Welfare
• Nurturing spiritually qualified children is the main purpose of married life, and their welfare is the main priority of householders.
• Children should not be neglected for any reason, e.g. in the name of so-called spiritual life. Parents should recognize the difference between a children's various legitimate and essential needs and their "wants."
• Financial stability is necessary to help fulfil children's needs.
• Proactive steps must be taken to avoid all forms of child abuse.
• Parents best develop affection and a sense of protection and responsibility towards all children in the community, not just their own offspring.
• Krishna Consciousness should be made relevant and accessible to children, especially teens.
• Hypocrisy is most damaging to children's faith in the Krishna Conscious process and the corresponding authority figures.
• Parents should accept appropriate support and training in regards to rearing children.
11. Family Love and Affection
• It is natural to have affection for others, and especially other Vaisnavas. Krishna consciousness does not accrue from simply negating or stifling worldly-affection; nor are family ties necessarily an impediment to Krishna Consciousness.
• A stable emotional background, where family members feel wanted and appreciated, is essential for children's personal and spiritual growth.
• There is great value in a strong sense of community, as traditionally expressed through the extended family.
12. Regulated, Balanced & Exemplary Lifestyle
• Regulation is an important feature of devotee life, especially for householders who have to juggle many different types of responsibility.
• Devotees moving to the second ashram should anticipate significant changes in lifestyle. Some difficulties in establishing a balanced and regulated lifestyle are to be expected, and one should seek suitable support and guidance.
• Householders require recreation and social life, and should develop suitable means, such as spiritually based social gatherings.
• Household life is to facilitate regulated sense-enjoyment. A householder should maintain healthy attitudes towards sense-enjoyments, demonstrating neither strong attraction nor inappropriate aversion.
• Householders should maintain their spiritual priorities (e.g. sadhana), as well as upholding their more-worldly obligations.
• Suitable engagement with the world is often an integral part of both personal growth and outreach —preaching.
• Preaching without practical example is not effective. Devotee householders should demonstrate such exemplary lifestyles that others become inquisitive as to what underlies their success.
• Role models, especially in the form of successful grihasthas, are very much needed within the Society.
• Devotee householders should negotiate and establish their own lifestyles, with reference to Krishna Conscious principles and values with consideration of their individual natures, needs, backgrounds, etc.
Achievement becomes automatic when Goal becomes inner commitment.
May 20, 2009
Fwd: Satsifaction & Dissatisfaction
santosha trishu kartavyah /
svadaare bhojane dhane
santosha trishu na kartavyah /
svaadhyaaya japa dhaanayoh
"One should be always satisfied with these three things - their spouse, the food, and the amount of wealth they obtained. One should never be satisfied with these three things - the amount of scriptural study, the amount of chanting (japa) and the amount of charity they performed."
Chanakya Pandit
Man's Psychology:
n A man's sense of self is defined through his ability to achieve results.
n To offer a man unsolicited advice is to presume that he doesn't know what to do
or that he can't do it on his own. Generally speaking when a woman offers unsolicited
advice or tries to "help" a man, she has no idea of how critical and unloving she may
sound to him.
n Women's Psychology:
n A woman's sense of self is defined through her feelings and the quality of her
n If a man does not understand how a woman is different, he can make things
worse when he is trying to help. Men need to remember that women talk about problems
to get close and not necessarily to get solutions.
So many times a woman just wants to share her feelings about her day, and her husband
thinking that he is helping, interrupts her by offering a steady flow of solutions
to her problems. He has no idea why she isn't pleased.
A general problem is that every wife thinks that her husband is not giving her time
and every husband thinks "I am doing so much for her, what else can I do?" The
situation arises due to high expectations from each other. The general solution is to
accept one's partner as he / she is and carry out duties by mutual consultation rather
than dictatorial attitude. Labeling a woman as less intelligent and trying to lord it over
her is the biggest impediment in the grihastha ashram.
The fabric of grihastha ashram(household life) becomes stressful, gets weakened, jaded and often
times torn apart due to several but totally avoidable reasons.
Six thumb rules for Good married life:
The following six thumb rules, not necessarily spiritual in their character, are
useful in leading a happy grihastha life
n Do not nag.
n Do not forcefully try to change the nature of your partner. Be exemplary.
n Do not criticize.
n Give honest appreciation.
n Be attentive to small acts of kindness and be a good listener.
n Be courteous, respectful and honour each other.
Achievement becomes automatic when Goal becomes inner commitment.
May 18, 2009
Transformation of a fat girl
16th May 09 exp
25 Apr 09 exp
3) A young teen indian boy stood by the table suddenly & i asked him what is ur name.
29 mar 09 exp
mar 29 2009 experience
13-14 december
We give books to anyone and everyone! We give books to devout people, we
give books to butchers, we give books to soldiers in Iraq.we give books
anywhere! One of our book distributors in Holland was distributing books in
offices and they didn't like it, so they called the police. So he ran away
with his books into the streets and he had the box of books in front of his
belly and he was running and running. And then he went into a corner of a
street and they were following him and it was a dead-end street! And he
didn't know what to do! And then he saw in the wall, it was just some back
ally- just walls, no windows- and in the wall there was a door! and he felt
if the door was open, and it was open! And he went inside! And there was a
corridor, and he walked along this corridor and there was a light in the end
of the corridor and he walked towards the light, and as he came to the
light, he walked straight onto the stage and there was a big applause! And
the man with the microphone said, "Ah! Here is the man with the prizes!
Welcome! We were waiting for you!" and he took the books and they
distributed them to everyone who was there! Everyone got one! And at the
end, the man said, "uh, all right, what is the bill?" the devotee wrote a
good, fat bill and then do you know what kind of program this was? It was a
conference with butchers!!! Just see, Lord Caitanya's movement! When Lord
Caitanya takes control, anything can happen! And when devotees go out and
distribute books, then the books themselves find people! These are spiritual
books and they find people! And it's amazing if you get into that mood, 'Let
the book find someone!' then what kind of people this book will find- you
never know! This story proves it.
(Excerpt from Lenasia Ratha Yatra, September '08, HH KKSwami)
inspiring quote
26th Oct 08 exp
25th Oct 08 book distribution experience
9th Aug 08 Bk dist exp
what stands most in my dealings with him is when once he walked to some person with a book
& for few minutes he was trying to give him a book but the person didnot take it .
He returned back & i remarked " Oh the book didn't go "
& Chandra pr replied " Atleast he touched the book"
Immediately i was remembered that Prabhupad had said " If anyone touches these books his life will change"
Chandra Pr keeps meditating on such transcendental instructions
& yesterday he said " I want people to stand in line for Srila Prabhupad books like they are standing on the other side
for Sugarcane Juice When will such a Day come ?"
2) Shyam Lila Pr & his good wife Prem Bhakti Mataji were distributing books with great enthusiam
They were humbly aggressive in book distribution & that resulted in many big book been distributed.
---------To be humble & aggressive is an Art of truly compassionate souls only.
3) Vijay Pr has visited many iskcon temples all around the world & he was amazed & inspired to see
ISV enthusiasm & book distribution mood.
4) Some people wanted to see the photos of Our dieties Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan
i think if we carry them(small photo) & display them with books it will be simply a grt benediction for all & for ISV bhaktas also
5) having attended Sfo Rath Yatra & LA rath Yatra i kept thinking when will the day come when San jose Rath Yatra will take
place ? I even selected the route for the rath : HP pavilion to Children discovery musem
Devotees are requested to think how to do it ?
Like Prabhupad said " Why are you waiting ? DO IT !!"
book distribution at work
Vaisesika Pr influence on Pornima wednesday gita class which lead to suprise distribution of the sets.(7+)
I desired to add my contribution to Bhagavatam Set distribution.
I approached my Project Manager (Boss)
He goes to a different spiritual organisation which teaches Mayavad.
In our early discussion on spirituality he had said "God & i is one"
& i replied " God & i is one in quality & not in quantity" .
He been from Shaivite family said that Shiva is supreme & i quoted Gita & said " Krishna is Supreme"
This all definitely lead to arguments.But he is a very nice person he overlooked such differences
in professional work & appreciated my spiritual path.
Though one should not preach at work but i could not tolerate when he said I am God.!
A devotee should be respected for the quality of work he does & in that way people become
favourable to KCON.
& by Krishnas mercy i did pretty good job so he is happy with me.
He easily accepted to buy the set.
19 jun 08 experience
Many sincere souls took Books & heard the mahamantra.I didnot face any bad incident .
Today paramatma seem to have taken the mood of Caitanya Mahapr he guided some good
interested souls to Srila Prabhupad books. I am grateful to Srila Prabhupad that he has given a trascendental service
of book distribution which is so dear to Krishna that he specifically incarnates in the most munificent incarnation
& takes a position of a beggar asking people "Please Chant Krishnas holy name"
2) An Indian christian was looking very intently at the books I showed him " beyond illusion & doubt"
& told him this book is a comparison of western philosophy with vedic wisdom .
He went through the topics of contents & said " why there is no christainity in it ?"
I said " because chirstainity is a Bonafide religion ' I repeated Srila Prabhupad
words " we have great respect for Jesus Christ We consider him to be our Spiritual Master"
He felt happy & showed a huge smile. & he replied "Are you the hare krishna hare rama people ...................?"
3) An indian muslim also came by & was very polite person.
He felt uncomfortable to take books.
I told him that there are 99 names of ALLAH you can chant those names.
28 June 08 book distribution experience
He felt great happiness by giving the books. The devotee children have great faith in their parents . They sense their parents protection .Just by a small gesture or word they distribute the book with full enthusiasm. I desire to sense the protection of Bhaktivinod thakur & Prabhupad our grandfathers so that i can also distribute the books with great enthusiasm.
2) Sunny moza Prs enthusiasm & friendly nature helped developing good relation with
people of other so-called spiritual organisation who had set up a table next to ours
They felt comfortable & didnot see us as competitors & glorified the prasadam that
is served at Iskcon temple all around the world.
21st Jun 08 experience
but when Narang Pr & Jai Ram Pr came (though for few minutes) , with their
presence itself people started taking books. Their friendly nature attracted few souls to look at the books
I am very grateful to them.
Jai Ram Prabhu quoted words of wisdom " Our lifetime in this world is as equal to the
stars in the night which will disappear when Sun comes" So lets utilise the time for Lords Service which goes into an Eternal Bank Account.