
Aug 20, 2012

Give me my 5$ back

Last time i went for book distribution at Santa cruzs busy street.
  •  I showed Bhagavad gita to a person & gave a short presentation . He took it for 5$ & said that one his favorite inspirational speaker had mentioned about BG so he is buying it .    As he was going away i said that " This book talks about things which even time cannot destroy" .    He seemed to like it & said " WOW " .......... " but Give me my 5$ back !!!!!!"   i got surprised ,did i say something wrong.    then he added " I would like to give you 10$ for what you said, enlightened me !!!" .......... That gave me BIG relief.
  •  Vinod Pr had made a vow to distribute 100 books & he did it with his enthusiastic simple presentation of book packs to everyone he met.     Sri Govindutta pr used his expert logic & presentation in somehow distributing the books to everyone he met.    Himanshu pr somehow had students as his audience & he successfully distributed books to them after long philosophical discussions.    Rajaram pr very patiently handled all those who came near the book table.    & As usual i had to pray to Lord Caitanya to send the right persons to me to get the books, which he mercifully answered & thus i was allowed to take part in Transcendental book distribution.

Aug 17, 2012

Small packets of Sugary water

The soft drinks advertises themselves as drink which can satisfy the thirst.
Todays man put corn sugar & some artificial flavour mix it with water & sell it for few dollars.
I was wondering are these really thirst quenchers ?? I didn't find it when i tasted these soft drinks.

Some even find same exact taste of fruits in chemical substance & add it to water to sell it as fruit drink with artificial flavour.

This is billion dollar business today !!
But people buying these products are not satisfied by the artificial nature of these products.
Indeed there is now more awareness of its disadvantages to health & nature.

The sugar in these soft drinks are more than our body needs it accumulates in the body 
& the soft drinks donot have the good amounts of vitamins,fibers etc either.

The plastics used by these bottles are more harmful to nature & is now a great menace around the world adding to severe pollution in nature.

But what drives man to create such business ?
Money ? yes
innovation ? yes 

But what is the deep down motivation in heart 
Imitate ??? 
Yes Man wants to imitate to what it see around in nature.

Nature also carries such sugary packets in the form of Fruits & vegetables 
& man thought " Wow ! can i create similar sugar packets at less cost & endeavour & sell them at huge quantities !?" 
& that triggered the so-called modern innovation of soft drinks,artificial flavours,plastic etc 

Nature also carries sugar packets in form of fruits & vegetables hanging on trees.
It contains sugar & vitamin,minerals & all natural things good for our body.
Even the nature packs the water in different colours & taste in a bio-degradable material compared to plastic !!.

You see Nature has provided all needs of human beings.There are urges & needs in Human body & nature has perfect answer product to satisfy them .
When there is summer humans need more water & nature provides oranges & watermelons which quench the thrist naturally & are summer fruits ie they grow most in summer.
And one doesnot need a factory or machinery knowledge but simple plantation of fruits saplings would give thousands of fruits to satisfy oneself & many others. 

In attempt to imitate nature & get more money man has created more problems than solutions.Just think it tried to replace the natural farming of fruits with artificial factory producing flavoured sugar water. What a waste of time & energy & money ? & moreover it is more harmful than of any good solution to us. !

Ancient Vedic text called Isopanishad gives nice solution to this problem 
om purnam adah purnam idam
purnat purnam udacyate
purnasya purnam adaya
purnam evavasisyate

The Personality of Godhead is perfect and complete, and because He is completely perfect, all emanations from Him, such as this phenomenal world, are perfectly equipped as complete wholes. Whatever is produced of the Complete Whole is also complete in itself. Because He is the Complete Whole, even though so many complete units emanate from Him, He remains the complete balance.

The nature that has come from God , is a gift of God , is complete in its whole.It has all facilities to provide & quench our needs. We simply donot have to artificially find solutions to our needs.

Next time when you are store & want to buy a small packet of sugary water ...... choose nature gifts for that is Mother Nature's real gift.

Feb 14, 2012

Great Expectations

The last week of the year 2011 & all over America there is a huge surge for people to get into buying mode as it is holiday seasons.

At Iskcon Silicon Valley there was harinam scheduled the day after Christmas in San Francisco.
I took the train to SFO. There were some families in the train with their kids , i could see excitement in their eyes to see & experience one of the most famous city in the world --- San Francisco.!!!!

I reached Market & Powel intersection ...... probably the most crowded place in SFO.
As i was climbing the steps from an underground BART station i heard the distinct sound of Kartals (cymbals) & a smile came on my face .

There they were devotees holding flags of mahamantra & kartals & mridangam chanting the Holy name . Devotees were distributing books too.

" Hi .. Have you heard about Bhagavad gita ?? "
"These are books on Yoga & meditation & teach you how to get free from Stress. you have heard of stress before right ??"

Thousands of people were pouring in from all direction like rain water gushes out from all places after a fresh rain.Some were coming out of various shops & huge malls which were advertised with 50% discount billboards & posters. Hundreds were entering into these malls & simultaneously hundreds were coming out of it.

It was like a river of people all around & the lotus of harinam & its devotees were not touching its water.I took part in harinam & then started doing some book distribution.
It was good to do book distribution when harinam was around as people could see the connection of music & the books .

But when the harinam party went for touring around busy corners of SFO  i tried my best to distribute books but people were taking me as any other salesperson, aiming to cheat them 
This made me uncomfortable & i was thinking the harinam should be present so that people can experience higher bliss & take books 

   Then HG Vaisesika Pr decided to go union square, i too joined him & after reaching there he lead a wonderful kirtan with 10 devotees dancing in circles 
The book distribution picked up in the shelter of holy name banyan tree .
I could distribute a chinese book first time & got donation from him. Last time i had tried at chinese mall & people over there laughed at me making me embarrassed.but today i felt nice & victorious.
 Sri Krishna Purushottam pr another book distributor came to me & said " I too got good donation from a chinese "  
Thats a rare thing in book distribution but i could witness by my own eyes that under the shelter of holy name anything is possible 

I simply prayed let me distribute Bhagavad gita today & a young man stopped in front of me with his ray ban goggles hiding his eyes.
I showed him the bhagavad gita & in my talk with him he said " I am from idaho & i am a soldier" .I told him this book was said at the time of battlefield to a soldier 
who was under stress of his duty & this helped him to perform his duty well.
He immediately took the book & gave $10 & i prayed with gratitude to Lord Caitanya to having my wish fulfilled so quickly.
As it started becoming more & more darker we closed our harinam & i started back to the train station. As i reflected back on the day i thought people out there the whole day were moving with GREAT expectations. An expectation for some pleasure somewhere.
There were so many faces with this great Hope & expectations that i felt touched by their endeavors for pleasure & peace.
Had it not been for Srila Prabhupad who brought this package of joy of harinam i would have been one of the same faces in the crowd looking desperately for pleasure & peace. !
The following words of Mahajan Prahalad sums it all.

tat-prayaso na kartavyo
yata ayur-vyayah param
na tatha vindate ksemam

Endeavors merely for sense gratification or material happiness through economic development are not to be performed, for they result only in a loss of time and energy, with no actual profit. If one's endeavors are directed toward Krsna consciousness, one can surely attain the spiritual platform of self-realization. There is no such benefit from engaging oneself in economic development.

All expectations are fulfilled when turns to the Supreme Lord Krishna & his devotional service.Just like Hiranyakasipu had all , he was a king of 3 universes had full control of all powers of nature but his one expectation of obedience from his own son Prahalad costed him his life & his whole endeavor to rule over the world was lost in a second.Where as Prahalad was completely satisfied in his devotional service to Lord & had no expectation from material  world.
O my mind , my heart & my soul let me pray as follows as Prahalad did to get rid from the desires of expectations from this material world.

yadi dasyasi me kaman
varams tvam varadarsabha
kamanam hrdy asamroham
bhavatas tu vrne varam

O my Lord, best of the givers of benediction, if You at all want to bestow a desirable benediction upon me, then I pray from Your Lordship that within the core of my heart there be no material desires.