
Nov 30, 2011

Ulterior Motives in Devotional service.

I shall draw a parallel understanding from a comic series called Captain America.

Captain America is a comic series published in America in early1940s & it has many adventurous stories of Captain America, the Super hero defeating the evils in the fictitious world.

The story goes that a scientist has prepared an artificial way of creating "Super Soldiers".
He could inject a person with powerful substances & serums which make a person Super Strong as equal to Steel.
These Super soldiers could not be then defeated by any one.

The experiment of injecting serum is done on one person who has evil motives called Red skull & he thus becomes stronger & starts supporting the evil activities 

The scientist then feels that he need a right candidate to create a  Super soldier to defeat the evil minded people. In his search he finds a young boy very skinny being repeatedly rejected by society & people & the army recruitment department.
He gives him a chance & gets him enrolled in army. The officers make jokes of this small person.But this small person has courage & determination in his heart & that whats attracted the scientist.

The scientist has a conversation with the boy &  tells him that he has a serum which makes a person very strong & probably he shall test it on him.

The scientist takes a promise from the boy that whatever happens after the test he should remain at least a  good soldier , a soldier good at heart & not trying to be a great soldier.

after the test the boy becomes the Famous moral ethical Captain America 

How is it that the same serum given to 2 person makes one person evil while other good ??
The Answer is the serum does what it needs to do ie making a person strong as steel 
but it is the motive, the intent of heart which gives different results.

If the motive is bad the result after taking serum shall increase the bad to worse.
If the motive is good the result is greatness.

The process of devotional service is like strong serum which makes a conditioned soul powerful in sense he can control his mind & senses And because of sinless life one can perceive some happiness .One can become famous of his devotional service (bhakti).

But the intent of heart or the motive behind is all that matters at the end.
devotional service makes a person powerful but it shall be the motive of the person which shall decide what shall he do with this power ??
Shall he use it for his own ego , his own needs & greed & exploits
or shall he become the instrument of compassion & selflessly do his service ??

One may ask but isn't devotional service meant to purify our heart of all negative desires & replace it with positive ones ??

YES devotional should purify our heart but it can do it if one desires to purify himself. 
 one needs to  purify his motive or intent of heart 
Many take to devotional service for various reasons but the devotional service is to be taken for only one reason ie for the ultimate goal of life ie to develop love for Krishna.

In course of devotional service one needs to rectify his desires & motives. If one neglects & ignores to remove false desires then it comes back & disguises it as some right desire .
Ulterior motives , wrong desires are like shaktasura the ghost demon & vatsasura - the calf demon 

Shaktasura demon -- ghost --- it haunts us again & again with past conditioning's as we try to advance in devotional service. like sense-gratification,

Vatsasura demon --- calf demon-- it takes the shape of an innocent desire which one may think as good & valid but is actually ruining our devotional creep like pride , need for respect & control  , complacency in devotional service, criticism 

Both can be killed with power of Krishna, through sadhu sastra guru & proper association of advanced devotees.
Time & again by doing introspection in heart & asking why am i doing devotional service ??
Is it for personal gratification or to develop love for  Krishna ??
Am i doing this for some respect & pride or for reviving genuine humility ??

by regular introspection by oneself & association of guru & advanced devotees one can keep checking his motive in heart .

Krishna says ultimately he shall establish himself in our heart & kill all the ignorance & demons in us but we need to prepare a nice place for him before he comes.
Our heart should be cultivated & made soft by proper hearing & chanting & service to Vaishanavas then Krishna shall consider to establish in our heart.

An instructing story from Ramayan
Ravana with his evil motive attained due to evil association of demons did great sacrifice for 1000s of years & then got a boon (serum) from Bramha but due to his bad motive he used this for destroying & creating havoc in the society.while his brother Vibhisana also did the same sacrifice for 1000s of years but his motive was not evil while he wished to attain love for God so his providence was arranged that he got association & service of Lord Rama .

SO it is necessary to keep checking our motives in garden of our heart while in the process of devotional service 
as a gardener checks for all the weeds that grow along with desired plant ,pluck out those weeds by  power of Krishna, through sadhu sastra guru & proper association of advanced devotees.

How is heart transformed from ulterior motives ??
a nice story answering this.

There is a story in this connection. It is very instructive, so try to hear. One professional reciter was publicly reciting the Srimad Bhagavatam, and he was describing that Krishna is very highly decorated with all kinds of jewels when He goes to tend the cows in the forest. So, there was a thief in that meeting, and he thought, "Why not go to Vrandavan and plunder this boy? He's in the forest with so many valuable jewels. I can go there and catch the child and take all the jewels." This was his intention. So he was serious. "I must find that boy," he thought. "Then in one night I shall become a millionaire."
The thief's qualification was his feeling: "I must see Krishna I must see Krishna" That anxiety, that eagerness, made it possible for him to actually see Krishna in Vrndavan. He saw Krishna in just the same way as the Bhagavatam reader had described. Then the thief said, "Oh, You are such a nice boy, Krishna." He began to flatter Him; he thought that by flattering Him he would easily take all the jewels. Then he proposed his real business: "May I take some of these ornaments? You are so rich."
"No, no, no," said Krishna. "My mother will be angry! I cannot give them away." Krishna was playing just like a child.
So the thief became more and more eager for Krishna to give Him the jewels, but by Krishna's association he was becoming purified. Then at last Krishna said, "All right, you can take them." Then the thief became a devotee immediately, because by Krishna's association he had been completely purified. So somehow or other you should come in contact with Krishna . Then you'll be purified.

So Lets establish Krishna in our heart by developing strong eagerness & anxiety for Krishna by hearing & chanting very attentively in the association of sincere serious devotees.

Sep 15, 2011

Srila Prabhupada's Instructions on College Preaching

Srila Prabhupada's Instructions on College Preaching

  • Try to recruit some of the intelligent class of student to take up this Krsna Consciousness philosophy and study it carefully.
  • Try to recruit some of such men to become our devotees. There is need for intelligent young men to Train them up as future leaders and preachers to go all over the world for spreading the message of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
  • If we simply go to the college on one night and leave immediately for another place, it will be difficult to make very much impression upon these students. I think it is better to stay at one place for some time, at least one week, or as long as the students are interested, and try to sell as many books as possible.
  • After your lecture in the college you may request if there are any interested students, that they may make further programs for you in their homes, or in some club or hall.
  • You may remain some time longer and concentrate on recruiting two or three good men, whoever appears to be the most interested, and by your diligent preaching to them you may be able to persuade some of them to become our devotees
  • Of course we shall not expect them immediately to come into the temple, like that, but if at least the seed is planted and they begin chanting rounds and following the principles while continuing their studies at school, that is our great victory.
  • And if they like, they may go and live in one of our centers, wherever they like, and learn further.
  • But we shall not present Krsna Consciousness as anything dry or like set of rules and regulations only, no. Krsna Consciousness is the topmost philosophy also, the highest knowledge of educational experience.
  • so try to impress this aspect of offering the perfect scientific understanding of everything as it is, not the temporary and unsatisfactory and incomplete understanding of things.
  • Try to present everything very logically and always quoting our Sanskrit authorities in connection with the main points, and that will impress them greatly.
  • Yes, and if you also yourselves write something daily, that will sharpen your use of language and you will be able to make your points very clear.
  • And if you dress neatly and conduct yourselves properly, that will help further.

Sep 9, 2011

It is not what you know ? ............

It is not what you know ! but who you know !? And What you ARE !?

I heard the above in HG Vaisesika Pr lecture , many times he quotes this to help us understand  the mood of devotional service.

As i kept contemplating on this more & more 
some nice thoughts came into my mind
  • It is not what you know !

What does this mean !? especially in relevance to  spiritual life , in devotional service to Lord Krishna ~!

A living entity is bewildered in this material world because he is forced by 3 fold miseries which he doesnot want.
Adhidavik --- miseries caused due to natural calamities likes floods,volcanoes, earthquakes etc torment us uninvited 
Adhibhautik ---miseries caused due to people & other living entities like relatives, friends, those who think to be our enemies,terrorists,wars etc & even mosquito & bed bugs too !
Adhyatmika -- miseries caused due to ones own mind & body due to diseases,unstable mind 

One keeps endeavoring to find solutions for the above , he wants to know why these are happening ? when these shall happen ? how to get rid of them?
It wants to control the nature & outer surroundings so as to avoid them.
everyone is looking for answers for the above 
& Einstein the great scientist summed this mentality in one line 
Albert Einstein
I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details.

A philosophical intelligent person comes to conclusion that somebody whom normal people call God is controlling everything in this world  & is convinced that he doesnot play dice (ie he is not doing by chance or illogically & neither maliciously)
Albert Einstein    I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice.
God is subtle but he is not malicious.

Great scientist therefore look for answers to find laws of nature which work subtly so that they would know why,how & when things are happening & shall happen
modern examples are like forecasting technology of weather,earthquakes etc. & even GPS by which one can find how much accurate time & place one is !

& great Sages too find ways to avoid 3 fold miseries either they develop mystic powers to predict & create & control things or they go to top of himalayas to practice severe penances 
to tolerate & be aloof of these miseries.

Ultimately from an ant to the main engineer of this world Lord Bramha everyone wants to know  "" WHAT is the MIND of God ??""
there starts a tremendous study of vedic scriptures like upanishads ,vedanta sutra to find out how god works !? 
"I want knowledge to understand how everything works & when what is going to happen then i shall happy??"
But as God ie Lord Krishna is unlimited knowledge about him & his mind is also unlimited 
it cannot be fathomed by small minds or 4 heads of Lord Bramha so this effort of gaining knowledge about this material world & even God & predicting him has no horizons & unlimitedly expanding & quite impossible 
Lord Bramha who has four heads & creates this universe by the dint of his intelligence sums up this quest for knowledge in very nice words as follows 
jananta eva janantu
kim bahuktya na me prabho
manaso vapuso vaco

There are people who say, "I know everything about Krsna." Let them think that way. As far as I am concerned, I do not wish to speak very much about this matter. O my Lord, let me say this much: As far as Your opulences are concerned, they are all beyond the reach of my mind, body and words.

So the conclusion is one may never know everything about Krishna (GOD) 
so ones expertise in knowledge does not & cannot attract Krishna 
  • But who you know !? 
When Lord Krishna wants to give any living entity the seed of Bhakti he sends his devotee in the life of the person & there starts the sowing of bhakti seed in his heart.
A practicing devotee needs a lot of guidance in devotional service because he is like a small child learning to walk   
He takes shelter of a GURU 
in Srimad Bhagavatam this theme is very prevalent in almost every story 
Dhruva mahraj accepts Narada muni as his spiritual master 
Pracetas accept Lod Siva as their spiritual master
Prahalad maharaj accepts Narada muni as his spiritual master 

Everyone needs a teacher & same is true in spiritual life too 
A spiritual master is a pure devotee of the Lord & knows the science of Spiritual life or Krishna consciousness.
Krishna says to Arjuna in Bhagavad gita 4.34 to approach such a spiritual master & learn the truth from him in submissive mood & offer him some service & ask relevant questions 

As a devotee advances in Krishna consciousness he does it on the mercy & blessing of his spiritual master & vaishanavas. Like above we saw ones prowess to gain knowledge cannot really attain him Krishna  
only by the mercy of Guru the Vedic imports are revealed to ones heart.

Such a devotee is always grateful to his spiritual master & Vaishanavas & never forgets their mercy
One nice example is Prahalad maharaj 
who achieved his object of Love Lord Narshima deva when he called from him 
but when he was asked to receive any benediction from Lord he replied 
evam janam nipatitam prabhavahi-kupe
kamabhikamam anu yah prapatan prasangat
krtvatmasat surarsina bhagavan grhitah

My dear Lord, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, because of my association with material desires, one after another, I was gradually falling into a blind well full of snakes, following the general populace. But Your servant Narada Muni kindly accepted me as his disciple and instructed me how to achieve this transcendental position. Therefore, my first duty is to serve him. How could I leave his service?

Prahalad maharaj said my first duty is serve my spiritual master Narada Muni & that is whom i know who pulled my out of the well of snakes & darkness & gave me divya janan caksu ie real eyes  
Lord Caitanya used to stand under the Garuda Stamba in Puri temple & once he was asked why he did so !?
He replied because Lord Jaganath knows his servant Garuda who is his carrier & he keeps glancing at his servant so i stand near him so that he give me his mercy glance too & keeps me in his service.

A devotee should be a devotee of the devotee of Lord Krishna & that connection attracts Krishna 
  • And What you ARE ??
And what does this mean ! 
it means your character , integrity , humility & ability of tolerating provoking situation
it means your sincerity in devotional service 

“A man can never hope to be more than he is if he is not first honest about what he isn’t.”
 Don Williams, Jr quotes (American , b.1968)
            "Sincerity and truth are the basis of every virtue."
           Confucius (BC 551-BC 479) Chinese philosopher.
"It is best to be yourself, imperial, plain and true."
Robert Browning (1812 -1889) British poet.

A wonderful story from Srimad Bhagavatam explains this
Prithu Maharaj was a great devotee of the Lord Krishna & for the benefit of his kingdom he determined to perform 100 ashwamedh yagna But Indra was envious of him bcos he thought that after doing 100 yagnas ,Prithu mah would take Indras position of King of heavenly planets. Thus Indra stole the horse again & again & disguised himself as pseudo sanyasi which were irreligious in nature. 
Seeing this disturbance Lord Bramha advised Prithu that he neednot perform his 100th yagna & avoid this trouble created by envious Indra.
Lord Visnu came with Indra to explain to Prithu that such yagnas are meant for fruitive results & devotees like him should not be so attached to it .
Hearing Lord Visnus & Lord Bramhas words he did not perform the 100th yagna & forgave Indra for his mischief & embraced Indra.
Seeing this co-operation & non-attachment to name & fame of Prithu maharaj , Lord Visnu was very happy with him.

All great devotees of the Lord have wonderful qualities of character,integrity,humility toleration & these qualities make the devotees dearer to Lord Krishna 

The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: O Uddhava, a saintly person is merciful and never injures others. Even if others are aggressive he is tolerant and forgiving toward all living entities. His strength and meaning in life come from the truth itself, he is free from all envy and jealousy, and his mind is equal in material happiness and distress. Thus, he dedicates his time to work for the welfare of all others. His intelligence is never bewildered by material desires, and he has controlled his senses. His behavior is always pleasing, never harsh and always exemplary, and he is free from possessiveness. He never endeavors in ordinary, worldly activities, and he strictly controls his eating. He therefore always remains peaceful and steady. A saintly person is thoughtful and accepts Me as his only shelter. Such a person is very cautious in the execution of his duties and is never subject to superficial transformations, because he is steady and noble, even in a distressing situation. He has conquered over the six material qualities -- namely hunger, thirst, lamentation, illusion, old age and death. He is free from all desire for prestige and offers honor to others. He is expert in reviving the Krishna consciousness of others and therefore never cheats anyone. Rather, he is a well-wishing friend to all, being most merciful. Such a saintly person must be considered the most learned of men. He perfectly understands that the ordinary religious duties prescribed by Me in various Vedic scriptures possess favorable qualities that purify the performer, and he knows that neglect of such duties constitutes a discrepancy in one's life. Having taken complete shelter at My lotus feet, however, a saintly person ultimately renounces such ordinary religious duties and worships Me alone. He is thus considered to be the best among all living entities.

I pray that my love & dedication to pure devotees like Srila Prabhupad & Gurumaharaj & pure Vaishnavas increase day by day & i pray to have the qualities of humility & tolerance to chant the Holy names sincerely. 

Aug 2, 2011

My Favourite Movie --- Tukaram Maharaj

Sant Tukaram (1608--1650) was a prominent Varkari Sant and spiritual poet during a Bhakti movement in India. He was born and lived most of his life in Dehu, a town close to Pune city in Mahārāshtra, India. He was born to a couple with the family name "More"//the descendent of the Mourya Clan (Āmbile) and first names Bolhobā and Kanakāi.Through a tradition in India in bygone days, Tukaram's family name is rarely used in identifying him. His real name is Tukaram Vhilhoba Aambe. Sant Tukaram's first wife, Rakhumābāi, died in her early youth. SantTukaram and his second wife, Jijābāi (also known as Āvali), had three sons: Santu or Mahādev, Vithobā, and Nārāyan.

Sant Tukaram was a devotee of god Vitthala or Vithoba, a form of Krishna. A great saint who lived only for his God vittala. He faced varieties of difficulties with astonishing patience. He refused diamonds and opals offered by Shivaji Maharaj himself. His devotional songs are an invaluable contribution to Marathi spiritual literature. He is arguably the greatest poet in the Marathi language. Tukaram's genius partly lies in his ability to transform the external world into its spiritual analogue. Tukaram's stature in Marathi literature.

According to Gaudiya Vaishnavas, Sant Tukaram was initiated and was a disciple of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Sant Tukaram is said to have received guru-mantra containing names of Krishna, Rama and Radha - at the hands or by the media of a dream, of Chaitanya The Gatha of Sant Tukaram confirms this claim in a verse that clearly states that "the mantra "Jai Jai Ram Krishna Hari" was given to me by "Chaitanya Baba" in my dreams". There is also a reference in the Gaudiya spiritual literature which mentions that when Chaitanya Mahaprabhu went to the city of Pandharpur to search for his brother who had taken Sannyassa, a young man named Tukaram helped him in the search. This young man named Tukaram is likely to be the same Saint Tukaram the world knows.

Like Namdev, Janabai, and Eknath, Tukaram wrote in archaic Marathi a large number of devotional poems identified in Marathi as abhang (अभंग). A collection of 4,500 abhang known as the Gāthā is attributed to Tukaram. Mantra Geetā, a Marathi translation in abhang form of the Sanskrit Bhagavad Geeta, is also attributed to him. It is an interpretation of Geeta from a Bhakti (भक्ती) --devotional—perspective.

*******Sant Tukaram Proceeding to Vaikunta (Known Miracles)
Lord Krishna tells Arjuna that "He who leaves the body and departs (from this world) with his mind fixed on Me during the last moments (of his life) attains to Me without doubt".

Srimad Bhagavadgita 8:5
अन्तकाले च मामेव स्मरन्मुक्त्वा कलेवरम् ।
य: प्रयाति स मद्भावं याति नास्त्यत्र संशय: ।।

Tukaram's final day is well documented by eye witness accounts. He informed his wife early in the day about going to Vaikuntha(heaven). His wife laughed at him. He went up the hillock and waited for Vithoba. By that time, news had spread around Dehu and people had gathered around the hillock, waiting for the divine event. As per eye witness accounts, a large vehicle emerged from the skies and Vithoba emerged from the flying plane. Eyewitnesses rushed to Tukaram's home and informed his wife that Tukaram was on his way to 'Vaikuntha' - the abode of Gods. His wife ran toward the hills, only to see him take off in the Viman (Flying plane). To this day, devotees gather at the hillock and sing his praises.

Jul 29, 2011

Passing On a Legacy of Debt from ISKCON News

Passing On a Legacy of Debt

By Ram Vilas Dasa for ISKCON News on 3 Jun 2010

Is there a better way?

A verse from the ethics of the famous Indian political scholar Chanakya Pandita mentions four kinds of enemies:

runa karta pita shatru (a father who passes on debt to his children)
mata cha vyabhicharini (a mother who is not faithful to her husband)
bharya rupavati shatru (a wife who is very beautiful)
putra shatrur apanditah (a son who is not well-versed in Vedic knowledge)

The first item refers to a father who incurs debt that he then passes on to his descendants, instead of repaying it himself. The understanding is not that if a father has taken some debt during some phase in his life, he is automatically an enemy. The father might take such a loan for some emergency reasons, but it is expected that he settle it himself. If he does not, leaving his family in a precarious position after his death, he has worked against their best interest, and has thus become an enemy of sorts.

Everyone should take heed of this warning to make sure that they do not depend on others for their livelihood and do not burden their near and dear ones. The material energy is acting upon each and every living entity and we are all suffering in the waves and whirlpools of the material modes of nature every moment. With such a miserable state of affairs, why add more suffering to beloved ones by making them take responsibility for our unnecessary expenditures?

Vedic civilization was arranged in such a way that everyone remained alert towards the ultimate goal of life. To attain this goal, it is imperative to keep our consciousness pure and clear. Thus, Vedic society accepted everything which uplifted the consciousness and rejected things which degraded the consciousness.

Sannyasis (renunciants) and brahmanas (priests and teachers) were supposed to be fully engaged in distributing spiritual knowledge to others; they had no time for economic development, so they were allowed to beg for maintenance. In general, begging for any assistance was considered the worst thing because it diminished one's honor, but it was acceptable for such individuals.

Other that them, however, debts were discouraged. In Vedic civilization, people preferred physical stress to mental stress. They would live according to the facilities provided by the Supreme Lord, even if meager. If one takes a loan, one can not avoid anxiety, and this was seen as worse than a simple lifestyle.

In addition, often a loan is taken to show off opulence to the world or to enjoy the facilities beyond our current means. This leads to untruthful behavior, and can implicate us in all manner of unsavory activities.

Home loans

What of the biggest loan most people have, the mortgage on their home? In olden times, people would stay in their ancestral house. Nowadays most people stay away from their parents thus they either have to rent or buy a house. To avoid the disadvantages of renting and to have the comfort of their own home, people take advantage of bank loans.

Empowered by these additional funds, the tendency is to purchase a larger home than required. Although such large homes can be considered an asset, they come with a heavy price: financial burden, over-endeavor to accumulate money, little time for relationships, little time for spiritual practices, and costs of house maintenance.

Instead, it might be wiser to save up money and purchase a more humble dwelling. Socrates would go to the market and ask one question before buying anything: Can I not survive without this item? We may not be able to live like he did, but we can try to minimize our needs.

Often people purchase homes with many bedrooms — one for the husband and wife, one for each child, and one for guests — these are often not used. People keep room for their children, but the children prefer to stay away from the parents. People have a guest room, but hardly any guests visit their home. Why? Although there is space in the house, there is no space in the heart. When we keep our life simple, we get time to nurture our heart and soul thus one becomes magnanimous. One's magnanimous heart can accommodate everyone irrespective of the space available in the house; thus even one bedroom can accommodate husband-wife, parents, children, and guests. This is not an exaggeration; it can be observed in many Indian homes even today.

Speculation in the modern economy

Another source of much debt is speculation. The modern economic scenario involves lots of speculation. In the stock market, shares are traded at values much higher than their face values. In real estate, apartments are sold at much higher rates than the actual cost (cost of land and construction). Even the land prices are based on speculation.

Ultimately, everybody is interested in making money at the cost of others. A basic principle of finance is to buy a commodity when the price is low. Financial institutions (banks, fund houses, insurance companies, etc) thus often present data in such a way that general public gets confused. During an economic downturn, financial institutions increase the interest on fixed deposits. People lose faith in the market and invest in these fixed deposits. Financial institutions thus get large amounts of public money, which they invest and thereby reap huge profits.

The Lord will provide

If we simplify our lives and trust in the Lord to take care of us, we will be surprised at how we are maintained. As Srila Prabhupada mentions in one of his purports, the mother does not have milk, but the moment the child is born the milk comes. In a similar way, we can often find a way to meet our needs through what God provides, without overextending ourselves through unnecessary borrowing. Krishna is the supplier of everything, and we need only do our duty in his service.

In this connection, Maha Vishnu Swami used to quote a scriptural verse regarding what a devotee should ask for from the Lord whenever he prays to Him:

anaayaasena maranam / vinaa dainyena jivanam
dehi me krpayaa Krishna / tvayi me bhaktim acancalaam

"Please give me a sudden death without any prolonged illness (this he asks mainly because he does not want to put others into inconvenience), please keep me from depend upon another for my life's needs, and as long as my soul is in this body, please engage me in steady unflinching devotional service unto You."

Jun 12, 2011

Prerequisite for Crying for mercy of Krishna

Once i was traveling from bus to home
The bus stopped to take in passengers I saw a young woman with her child aged 5 or 6
it so happened that the young woman go in the bus but the child remained behind
The child was distracted by something & he forgot to hold the hand of his mother.
He was looking in the other direction where the object had attracted him.

Just then the door of the bus closed & it started moving .
The mother realised in a moment that she had left the boy So she shouted to driver " Stop my son is down there"
The bus stopped & the mother ran out & brought her child . The child had a frightened look on his face.

As they settled she asked him " What you would done if i hadn't come to take you?"
the child said with innocent face " I would CRY "

So unless we Feel ------ LOST
we won't CRY

Below song written by Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur clearly explains

how we have lost in this world after temporary pleasure & disappointing adventure

1) I forsook You, O Lord, and came to this world of pain and sorrow. Now I submit my tale of woe at Your lotus feet.
2) While still in the unbearable fetters of my mother’s womb, I saw You before me You revealed Yourself but briefly and then abandoned this poor servant of Yours.
3) At that moment I swore to worship You after taking birth; but birth came, and with it the network of wordly illusion which robbed me of all good sense.
4) As a fondled son in the lap of relatives, I passed my time smiling and laughing. My parents’ affection helped me to forget the pangs of birth, and I thought the world was very nice.
5) Day by day I grew and soon began playing with other boys. Shortly my powers of understanding emerged. I read and studied my lessons incessantly.
6) Travelling from place to place, proud of my education, I grew wealthy and maintained my family with undivided attention. O Lord Hari, I forgot You!
7) Now in old age, Bhaktivinoda is sad. He weeps. I failed to worship You, O Lord, and instead passed my life in vain. What will be my fate now.

Song Name: Bhuliya Tomare

Official Name: Dainya Song 1

Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura

Book Name: Saranagati

Language: Bengali


bhuliyā tomāre, saḿsāre āsiyā,
peye nānā-vidha byathā
tomāra caraṇe, āsiyāchi āmi,
bolibo duḥkhera kathā

jananī jaṭhare, chilāma jakhona,
biṣama bandhana-pāśe
eka-bāra prabhu! dekhā diyā more,
vañcile e dīna dāse

takhona bhāvinu, janama pāiyā,
koribo bhajana tava
janama hoilo, paḍi' māyā-jāle,
hoilo jñāna-lava

ādarera chele, sva-janera kole,
hāsiyā kāṭānu kāla
janaka jananī-snehete bhuliyā,
saḿsāra lāgilo bhālo

krame dina dina, bālaka hoiyā,
bhelinu bālaka-saha
āra kichu dine, jnāna upajilo,
pāṭha poḍi ahar-ahaḥ

vidyāra gaurave, bhrami' deśe deśe,
dhana uparjana kori
sva-jana pālana, kori eka-mane,
bhulinu tomāre, hari!

bārdhakye ekhona, bhakativinoda,
kāṇdiyā kātara ati
bhajiyā tore, dina bṛthā gelo,
ekhona ki have gati?

May 7, 2011

My Marriage realizations

I got married on 10th Dec 2010 in hyderabad.A very traditional vedic ceremony was arranged.They had some deep meaning to it some of which i am writing it below

Every ritual started with prayers & the brahmana (priest) said to remember or meditate on Lord Visnu .

A fire sacrifice was arranged & we put oblations in it.
The fire in the yagna is the tongue of Lord Visnu & all offerings are put in it to satisfy the Supreme Lord & invoke his blessings & sanction for an auspicious marriage as stated in Bh Gita 5.29
Bhkotaram yagna tapasam....
Krishna is the ultimate beneficiary of yagna

========================= puport of 18.5
The yogis should perform acts for the advancement of human society. There are many purificatory processes for advancing a human being to spiritual life. The marriage ceremony, for example, is considered to be one of these sacrifices. It is called vivaha-yajna.

Purpose of Marriage is Spiriual adavancement
-------------------------------- puport of 18.5
The Lord says here that any sacrifice which is meant for human welfare should never be given up.Vivaha-yajna, the marriage ceremony, is meant to regulate the human mind so that it may become peaceful for spiritual advancement.

Then a small act was also performed where they made me carry a umbrella & a cane stick & i had to walk
a distance & the uncle of bride would pursue me to come back & marry .
The significance of this act is that the husband thinks his spiritual would be disturbed if he gets married
so he decides to go to Kashi (place of pilgrimage) but then the uncle comes & says that "your would be wife is
very sense-controlled & likes spiritual life & shall support your spiritual life so donot keep the worry
& please marry her"

The final & sacred ceremony is when the cloth is kept in between the wife & husband &
mangalashtakam is sung & after that the wife & husband exchange the garlands.

It was really surprising when the priest said at the start "Now remember your ista-deva in your heart "
Then the priest started chanting a mantra which i knew very well

kasturi tilakam lalata patate vakshasthale kausthubham
naasaagre varmouktikam karatale venum kare kankanam
sarvaange harichandanam sulalitam kanthecha mukthavali
gopastree pariveshthito vijayate gopala chudaamani
vijayate gopala chudaamani

O Sri Krishna ! The Kasturi (Musk) Tilak, a red ritual mark decorates your forehead and the Kaustubha jewel ornaments your chest
The Nava mouktika, a pearl ornament on your nose, your fingertips graced by a flute, while your wrist is ornamented with a bracelet.
O Sri Hari! Your entire body is bedecked with fragrant sandalwood paste, your neck has a beautiful garland

This mantra is for remembering Lord Krishna & the priest said you remember
your ista-deva ie the demigod worshipped by the lineage of ones family
I felt it is better to remember Lord Krishna because he is the real ista-deva & lord of all the demigods
Isvara param Krishna
Krishna is the Supreme lord of lords
------------ bramha samhita

& the mantra was very appropriate for that occasion

This shows that all ceremonies are simply meant for remembering & worshiping & glorifying Lord Krishna but this purpose has got lost or ignored or not emphasized in todays marriage.
I was fortunate to remember Krishna at the time of my marriage ceremonies .

It so happened that one devotee from Hyderabad temple came & gifted the maha garlands of
Sri Sri Radha Madan Mohan dieties .
We then immediately exchanged it as if doing the ceremony again.

I had arranged a book table for Prabhupad books to distributed at less price
About 300 big books were distributed .I was so happy to hear this
It gave relief from the pains of travel & tiredness.
I thought this event is an amazing memorable event in my life .

All went perfectly in KCON way.

Mar 28, 2011

Transformation of Heart

Last book distribution i tried a new way of presenting Bhagavad gita to people which i learnt in HG Vaisesika Prs class

I went with devotee kids to see how the kids at ISV are doing book distribution but when we
reached the spot i saw their tremendous enthusiasm & the chaos & noise they created ,their parents were trying hard to control & direct them
I felt it would difficult for me to handle these kids & do book distribution So i went with another devotee

We showed the book packs & asked for donation "Please Give whatever comes to your Heart"
People were giving whatever donations they could in quaters , cents & pennies.

At one door i felt i should try a new way to distribute book.
The door opened & a young lady was standing.
I introduced myself as coming from Local yoga center & bringing books on yoga & meditation to this community.
Then i showed her Bhagavad gita & i said with full enthusiasm

" This is a book where in the Guy who did not like his Job , he was despondent & wanted to give up in life,wanted to go away far away.
Then he read this book
& then got great joy & wanted to do his work,wanted to live life .
He did not change his dress,he didnot change his job
But he got his CHANGE of HEART
So this book shall bring great joy,inspiration,wisdom & hope in your life"

She immediately took the book & gave $20 as donations
I was elated by this


At the start of Bhagavad gita Arjuna said I am confused i am trembling out of great anxiety & stress my bow is slipping from my hand . O Govinda I shall not fight !!



prcchami tvam dharma-sammudha-cetah

yac chreyah syan niscitam bruhi tan me

sisyas te 'ham sadhi mam tvam prapannam


Now I am confused about my duty and have lost all composure because of miserly weakness. In this condition I am asking You to tell me for certain what is best for me. Now I am Your disciple, and a soul surrendered unto You. Please instruct me.

I can find no means to drive away this grief which is drying up my senses. I will not be able to dispel it even if I win a prosperous, unrivaled kingdom on earth with sovereignty like the demigods in heaven.

Having spoken thus, Arjuna, chastiser of enemies, told Krsna, "Govinda, I shall not fight," and fell silent.

Then he heard the immortal words from Lord Sri Krishna & transformation of Heart took place. At the end he said the following to Lord Sri Krishna.


arjuna uvaca

nasto mohah smrtir labdha

tvat-prasadan mayacyuta

sthito 'smi gata-sandehah

karisye vacanam tava


Arjuna said: My dear Krsna, O infallible one, my illusion is now gone. I have regained my memory by Your mercy. I am now firm and free from doubt and am prepared to act according to Your instructions.


May Bhagavad gita transform my hard heart & i agree to become an instrument of compassion in the hands of my spiritual master,vaishnav acaryas & Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu

Jan 31, 2011

Who is a Vaishnava?

Once during a lunch my manager joined me & we slowly started talking about a lot of things.
He asked about my liking , hobbies.I answered i am interested in spirituality & reading Bhagavad gita & Srimad Bhagavatam.

He said "oh you are Vaishnava !"
My manager is a gujarathi , born & brought in Ahmedabad. And Gujarat is a place where
people are very religious & it has a very large number of followers in Vallabhacarya Sampradaya.
Lord Krishna is very famous diety & Janamastami is celebrated with great honour & festivity.
Even common people while greeting each other say " Jai Sri Krishna".

A Krishnas devotee is called a Vaishnava . In Gujarat the followers of Vallabhacarya are known as Vaishnavas.My manager seem to have good acquittance with many vaishnava families.

In our discussion i was explaining about Lord Krishna & Vaishnavism. But i found he had a very external & not indepth meaning of Vaishanavism or spirituality.I was avoiding any conflict there.

Out of curiosity i asked "What do you think is a Vaishnava?"
He answered with quite a good confidence "Vaishnavas are those who do Business!!!!"
In gujarat many Vaishnavas do good business & are very rich as he didnot had the
right meaning of Vaishnavas he linked it to their business ability.
He thought Vaishnavas are the best business people because he saw that in Gujarat.

Later i was reading Prabhupad pastimes & in one incident a devotee who had taken great responsibility in the movement fell down. He wrote Prabhupad a letter saying " I Quit"

Prabhupad read the letter & said one statement " How can anybody leave his Fathers business?"

Prabhupad here sees that a devotee is carrying the order of Lord Krishna or Lord Caitanya
to propagate his message & mission of preaching the holy name & sublime spiritual message.
So it is Krishnas or Lord Caitanyas preaching business when they appear in this material world
& as they are Father of all living entities it a Fathers business &
any soul who takes part in this mission or business is continuing his Fathers business.

So another definition of Vaishnava is one who continues , carries forward, takes responsibility
of Lord Krishna or Lord Caitanya (The Supreme Father) Business of Preaching.

So a vaishnava is a business man but his business is spiritual business, to preach to the lost souls of this material world & encourage them to come back home back to Godhead.

My manager has thus answered rightly " A Vaishnava is a businessman " except i pray that he gets to know what is their real business.