
Dec 10, 2009

Obstacles in the path of bhakti are servants of Lord

I was hearing one lecture on gaur lila By HH Radhanath Swami Maharaj
The story was of taking sanyas by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
After sanyas he stayed in the house of Adavaita Acarya .Then he decided he should go to Puri at once. But devotees told him that presently there are conflicts & war taking place between nations so please go after peace is established
from Caitanya Mangal
++++To this the Supreme Lord, Sri Caitanya, replied, “Let there be danger of any magnitude, I will certainly go, this I say to you.” Sri Advaita Äcärya understood Sri Caitanya’s mind and knew no one could dissuade Him from it. Palms joined, Sri Advaita began to speak, “Who can dare to obstruct your path?
All so-called impediments and dangers are simply your order carriers.
No one possesses the power to stop you. You have resolved to travel to Néläcala, and so your journey will be a source of great joy and You may leave at Your own sweet will.” +++++

Maharaj said " Advaita Acaraya said that the obstacles are servants of the Lord .And these obstacles have come to purify us from our conditionings ,they have come to make us more surrendered to the lotus feet of the Lord . A devotee accepts them & takes shelter of the Supreme Lord .In this was he advances"

So obstacles are actually to purify us & not put us down
lets face them by taking shelter of the lord
lets pray to Lord with much intensity same as Gajendra had prayed when he was caught in the teeths of the crocodile.
Our Prayer should be THAT intense.

One devotee said "if we donot pass on the present obstacles the same one will keep on coming "
better take shelter of Krishna & he shall pick us up

Srila Bhakti vinod thakur said "Obstacles are great source of ecstasies to him"

The following prayer by Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur explains
how to pray to the Lord ? & what to pray to the Lord ?

Song Name: Anadi Karama Phale
Official Name: Sri Siksastakam Song 5
Author: Bhaktivinoda Thakura
Book Name: Gitavali
Language: Bengali
anādi’ karama-phale, poḍi’ bhavārnava-jale,
toribāre nā dekhi upāy
e-viṣaya-halāhale, divā-niśi hiyā jwale,
mana kabhu sukha nāhi pāy

āśā-pāśa-śata-śata, kleśa deya avirata,
pravṛtti-ūrmira tāhe khelā
kāma-krodha-ādi choy, bāṭapāḍe deya bhoy,
avasāna hoilo āsi’ belā
jñāna-karma—ṭhaga dui, more pratārīya loi,
avaśeṣe phele sindhu-jale
e heno samaye, bandhu, tumi kṛṣṇa kṛpā-sindhu,
kṛpā kori’ tolo more bale

patita-kińkore dhori’, pāda-padma-dhuli kori’,
deho bhaktivinode āśroy
āmi tava nitya-dās, bhuliyā māyāra pāś,
baddha ho’ye āchi doyāmoy

1) I have fallen into the ocean of material existence as a result of my selfish activities, which are without beginning, and I see no means of deliverance from this great ocean of nescience. Day and night my heart burns from the poison of these worldly activities, and on account of this my mind never finds any satisfaction or happiness.

2) Hundreds and thousands of desires, like nooses around my neck, constantly give me misery and trouble. In that great ocean of nescience play the waves of materialistic tendency. In this world there are many thieves and rogues, of whom six are prominent; lust, anger, greed, illusion, and madness. They are causing me great fear, and in this way my life is coming to an end.

3) The two highway robbers, mental speculation and fruitive activity, have cheated me and misled me, and finally they are throwing me into the ocean of misery. At such a time as this, my dear Krsna, You are the only friend, and You are the ocean of mercy and compassion. I have no strength to get out of this ocean of nescience, so I pray to Your lotus feet that You will be kind and by Your strength uplift me from this ocean of suffering.

4) Accept this fallen servant and fix me as a particle of dust on Your lotus feet. Kindly give me shelter to this Bhaktivinoda. O most merciful Lord, actually I am Your eternal servant, but having forgotten this I have become bound up in the network of maya.

.......................Purport by HDG AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupad.......

E heno samaye bandhu, tumi krsna krpa-sindhu: "Under the circumstances, my dear Krsna, you are my only friend, and You are an ocean of mercy."
Krpa kori' tolo more bale: "I have no strength to get out of this ocean of nescience, so I pray unto Your lotus feet that by Your strength You kindly pick me up."
Patita-kinkare dhari' pada-padma-dhuli kari': "After all, I am Your eternal servant. Somehow or other I have fallen into this ocean, so kindly pick me up and fix me as one of the particles of dust at Your lotus feet."
Deho bhaktivinoda asraya: Bhaktivinoda Thakura entreats, "Kindly give me shelter at Your lotus feet."
Ami tava nitya-dasa: "I am Your eternal servant."
Bhuliya mayara pasa: "Somehow or other I forgot You, and I have now fallen into the network of maya."
Baddha ho'ye achi dayamaya: "My dear Lord, I have become entangled in this way. Kindly save me."

So do i pray
O my Lord ! you are my only friend & I am your fallen servant
i have no strength to overcome these obstacles
Kindly pick me up & give me shelter at your lotus feet.
I have no other HOPE

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