
Sep 15, 2011

Srila Prabhupada's Instructions on College Preaching

Srila Prabhupada's Instructions on College Preaching

  • Try to recruit some of the intelligent class of student to take up this Krsna Consciousness philosophy and study it carefully.
  • Try to recruit some of such men to become our devotees. There is need for intelligent young men to Train them up as future leaders and preachers to go all over the world for spreading the message of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
  • If we simply go to the college on one night and leave immediately for another place, it will be difficult to make very much impression upon these students. I think it is better to stay at one place for some time, at least one week, or as long as the students are interested, and try to sell as many books as possible.
  • After your lecture in the college you may request if there are any interested students, that they may make further programs for you in their homes, or in some club or hall.
  • You may remain some time longer and concentrate on recruiting two or three good men, whoever appears to be the most interested, and by your diligent preaching to them you may be able to persuade some of them to become our devotees
  • Of course we shall not expect them immediately to come into the temple, like that, but if at least the seed is planted and they begin chanting rounds and following the principles while continuing their studies at school, that is our great victory.
  • And if they like, they may go and live in one of our centers, wherever they like, and learn further.
  • But we shall not present Krsna Consciousness as anything dry or like set of rules and regulations only, no. Krsna Consciousness is the topmost philosophy also, the highest knowledge of educational experience.
  • so try to impress this aspect of offering the perfect scientific understanding of everything as it is, not the temporary and unsatisfactory and incomplete understanding of things.
  • Try to present everything very logically and always quoting our Sanskrit authorities in connection with the main points, and that will impress them greatly.
  • Yes, and if you also yourselves write something daily, that will sharpen your use of language and you will be able to make your points very clear.
  • And if you dress neatly and conduct yourselves properly, that will help further.

Sep 9, 2011

It is not what you know ? ............

It is not what you know ! but who you know !? And What you ARE !?

I heard the above in HG Vaisesika Pr lecture , many times he quotes this to help us understand  the mood of devotional service.

As i kept contemplating on this more & more 
some nice thoughts came into my mind
  • It is not what you know !

What does this mean !? especially in relevance to  spiritual life , in devotional service to Lord Krishna ~!

A living entity is bewildered in this material world because he is forced by 3 fold miseries which he doesnot want.
Adhidavik --- miseries caused due to natural calamities likes floods,volcanoes, earthquakes etc torment us uninvited 
Adhibhautik ---miseries caused due to people & other living entities like relatives, friends, those who think to be our enemies,terrorists,wars etc & even mosquito & bed bugs too !
Adhyatmika -- miseries caused due to ones own mind & body due to diseases,unstable mind 

One keeps endeavoring to find solutions for the above , he wants to know why these are happening ? when these shall happen ? how to get rid of them?
It wants to control the nature & outer surroundings so as to avoid them.
everyone is looking for answers for the above 
& Einstein the great scientist summed this mentality in one line 
Albert Einstein
I want to know God's thoughts; the rest are details.

A philosophical intelligent person comes to conclusion that somebody whom normal people call God is controlling everything in this world  & is convinced that he doesnot play dice (ie he is not doing by chance or illogically & neither maliciously)
Albert Einstein    I am convinced that He (God) does not play dice.
God is subtle but he is not malicious.

Great scientist therefore look for answers to find laws of nature which work subtly so that they would know why,how & when things are happening & shall happen
modern examples are like forecasting technology of weather,earthquakes etc. & even GPS by which one can find how much accurate time & place one is !

& great Sages too find ways to avoid 3 fold miseries either they develop mystic powers to predict & create & control things or they go to top of himalayas to practice severe penances 
to tolerate & be aloof of these miseries.

Ultimately from an ant to the main engineer of this world Lord Bramha everyone wants to know  "" WHAT is the MIND of God ??""
there starts a tremendous study of vedic scriptures like upanishads ,vedanta sutra to find out how god works !? 
"I want knowledge to understand how everything works & when what is going to happen then i shall happy??"
But as God ie Lord Krishna is unlimited knowledge about him & his mind is also unlimited 
it cannot be fathomed by small minds or 4 heads of Lord Bramha so this effort of gaining knowledge about this material world & even God & predicting him has no horizons & unlimitedly expanding & quite impossible 
Lord Bramha who has four heads & creates this universe by the dint of his intelligence sums up this quest for knowledge in very nice words as follows 
jananta eva janantu
kim bahuktya na me prabho
manaso vapuso vaco

There are people who say, "I know everything about Krsna." Let them think that way. As far as I am concerned, I do not wish to speak very much about this matter. O my Lord, let me say this much: As far as Your opulences are concerned, they are all beyond the reach of my mind, body and words.

So the conclusion is one may never know everything about Krishna (GOD) 
so ones expertise in knowledge does not & cannot attract Krishna 
  • But who you know !? 
When Lord Krishna wants to give any living entity the seed of Bhakti he sends his devotee in the life of the person & there starts the sowing of bhakti seed in his heart.
A practicing devotee needs a lot of guidance in devotional service because he is like a small child learning to walk   
He takes shelter of a GURU 
in Srimad Bhagavatam this theme is very prevalent in almost every story 
Dhruva mahraj accepts Narada muni as his spiritual master 
Pracetas accept Lod Siva as their spiritual master
Prahalad maharaj accepts Narada muni as his spiritual master 

Everyone needs a teacher & same is true in spiritual life too 
A spiritual master is a pure devotee of the Lord & knows the science of Spiritual life or Krishna consciousness.
Krishna says to Arjuna in Bhagavad gita 4.34 to approach such a spiritual master & learn the truth from him in submissive mood & offer him some service & ask relevant questions 

As a devotee advances in Krishna consciousness he does it on the mercy & blessing of his spiritual master & vaishanavas. Like above we saw ones prowess to gain knowledge cannot really attain him Krishna  
only by the mercy of Guru the Vedic imports are revealed to ones heart.

Such a devotee is always grateful to his spiritual master & Vaishanavas & never forgets their mercy
One nice example is Prahalad maharaj 
who achieved his object of Love Lord Narshima deva when he called from him 
but when he was asked to receive any benediction from Lord he replied 
evam janam nipatitam prabhavahi-kupe
kamabhikamam anu yah prapatan prasangat
krtvatmasat surarsina bhagavan grhitah

My dear Lord, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, because of my association with material desires, one after another, I was gradually falling into a blind well full of snakes, following the general populace. But Your servant Narada Muni kindly accepted me as his disciple and instructed me how to achieve this transcendental position. Therefore, my first duty is to serve him. How could I leave his service?

Prahalad maharaj said my first duty is serve my spiritual master Narada Muni & that is whom i know who pulled my out of the well of snakes & darkness & gave me divya janan caksu ie real eyes  
Lord Caitanya used to stand under the Garuda Stamba in Puri temple & once he was asked why he did so !?
He replied because Lord Jaganath knows his servant Garuda who is his carrier & he keeps glancing at his servant so i stand near him so that he give me his mercy glance too & keeps me in his service.

A devotee should be a devotee of the devotee of Lord Krishna & that connection attracts Krishna 
  • And What you ARE ??
And what does this mean ! 
it means your character , integrity , humility & ability of tolerating provoking situation
it means your sincerity in devotional service 

“A man can never hope to be more than he is if he is not first honest about what he isn’t.”
 Don Williams, Jr quotes (American , b.1968)
            "Sincerity and truth are the basis of every virtue."
           Confucius (BC 551-BC 479) Chinese philosopher.
"It is best to be yourself, imperial, plain and true."
Robert Browning (1812 -1889) British poet.

A wonderful story from Srimad Bhagavatam explains this
Prithu Maharaj was a great devotee of the Lord Krishna & for the benefit of his kingdom he determined to perform 100 ashwamedh yagna But Indra was envious of him bcos he thought that after doing 100 yagnas ,Prithu mah would take Indras position of King of heavenly planets. Thus Indra stole the horse again & again & disguised himself as pseudo sanyasi which were irreligious in nature. 
Seeing this disturbance Lord Bramha advised Prithu that he neednot perform his 100th yagna & avoid this trouble created by envious Indra.
Lord Visnu came with Indra to explain to Prithu that such yagnas are meant for fruitive results & devotees like him should not be so attached to it .
Hearing Lord Visnus & Lord Bramhas words he did not perform the 100th yagna & forgave Indra for his mischief & embraced Indra.
Seeing this co-operation & non-attachment to name & fame of Prithu maharaj , Lord Visnu was very happy with him.

All great devotees of the Lord have wonderful qualities of character,integrity,humility toleration & these qualities make the devotees dearer to Lord Krishna 

The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: O Uddhava, a saintly person is merciful and never injures others. Even if others are aggressive he is tolerant and forgiving toward all living entities. His strength and meaning in life come from the truth itself, he is free from all envy and jealousy, and his mind is equal in material happiness and distress. Thus, he dedicates his time to work for the welfare of all others. His intelligence is never bewildered by material desires, and he has controlled his senses. His behavior is always pleasing, never harsh and always exemplary, and he is free from possessiveness. He never endeavors in ordinary, worldly activities, and he strictly controls his eating. He therefore always remains peaceful and steady. A saintly person is thoughtful and accepts Me as his only shelter. Such a person is very cautious in the execution of his duties and is never subject to superficial transformations, because he is steady and noble, even in a distressing situation. He has conquered over the six material qualities -- namely hunger, thirst, lamentation, illusion, old age and death. He is free from all desire for prestige and offers honor to others. He is expert in reviving the Krishna consciousness of others and therefore never cheats anyone. Rather, he is a well-wishing friend to all, being most merciful. Such a saintly person must be considered the most learned of men. He perfectly understands that the ordinary religious duties prescribed by Me in various Vedic scriptures possess favorable qualities that purify the performer, and he knows that neglect of such duties constitutes a discrepancy in one's life. Having taken complete shelter at My lotus feet, however, a saintly person ultimately renounces such ordinary religious duties and worships Me alone. He is thus considered to be the best among all living entities.

I pray that my love & dedication to pure devotees like Srila Prabhupad & Gurumaharaj & pure Vaishnavas increase day by day & i pray to have the qualities of humility & tolerance to chant the Holy names sincerely.