
Apr 23, 2010

Devotee care by HH Radhanath Swami

Devotee care by Radhanath Swami

Radhanatha Swami: "Although the foundation of a building cannot be seen, it holds up the entire building. Without a strong foundation, in time, even the most glorious palace will crumble. The foundation of our communities is in our spiritual practices, our moral values and in our personal relationships. It is a tendency to prioritize those endeavors that bring quick tangible results. However, those results are soon to crumble unless we balance our priorities with the foundational personal needs of our devotees. Effective spiritual leaders are responsible to provide mature vision to assure the welfare of our devotees in the present and for the future. People need to feel loved, cared for and appreciated. Creating this environment is foundational to a Krishna Conscious community. Without such relationships few people will continue to chant the holy names with sincere feeling.

Modern corporate farming aims at immediate results with little concern for how it affects the environment in the future. Srila Prabhupada condemned it. He stressed sustainable farming wherein we are very sensitive toward living in harmony with Krishna's natural plan.

Lord Chaitanya compared Krishna Consciousness to cultivating the seed of bhakti in the field of the heart. It is important that we cultivate devotee's hearts in a sustainable way wherein they will remain faithful and enthused throughout their lives. Too many times we push devotees to get the fruit of some result but as time passes the tree of his or her enthusiasm dies. Srila Prabhupada would call that 'penny wise and pounds foolish.'

Srila Prabhupada was a perfect leader. He could push his devotees to get big results but at the same time his love, compassion and care would nourish, sustain and bring the highest joy to our hearts. He profoundly cared for each devotee who came to his society and expected his leaders to do so on his behalf. He expressed his concern again and again for our sadhana, and service attitude but also our health, the quality of our Prasad, our children and he was especially concerned that we felt happy, protected and inspired in our devotional service. We felt nourished and empowered by his love and care even from thousands of miles away and even if we only personally saw him every couple of years. Once when stressing the importance of caring for the devotees, he exclaimed, "I have shed buckets of blood for each and every devotee." Radhanatha Swami: "When I was serving in a previous ISKCON community, the priority was given to projects with little vision toward sustaining a quality spiritual life for the people giving their lives to build the project. There was little priority given to educating or encouraging healthy family relationships. Everything was focused on work and sadhana. Any other consideration was labeled as maya. I began to realize that our so-called hard work and strong sadhana is superficial if we are neglecting or causing pain to Krishna's beloved devotees. It appeared that the devotees were seen as disposable tools to build the project. Grand accomplishments were achieved in that place but without a healthy, caring community it was a building without a solid foundation.

In the course of fulfilling those incredible projects, many devotees' hearts were broken. They felt uncared for and gradually the morale of the once thriving community disintegrated. Over the years I witnessed too many people who had come to Srila Prabhupada's society with innocent faith and enthusiasm only to later suffer emotional anxiety do to neglect, feeling they had been cheated or rejecting ISKCON in bitterness. What I saw broke my heart. I believed that our leaders needed to take serious responsibility, on Srila Prabhupada's behalf, to be caretakers of his beloved children. When I came to India, I thought, let me try to do the opposite of what I had seen, projects before people. If I fail, let me fail in this way. Therefore our mission became – If the devotees are cared for spiritually, emotionally and physically, Srila Prabhupad and Krishna will be pleased and the projects will naturally flourish. ."


Apr 13, 2010

Preacher :::: Being a friend to ALL

I went to nagar sankirtan last week & i was trying to distribute books
As usual i felt an unwilling feeling to stop people & show them the book
Thoughts like " This book distribution is so hard ,
will people listen to me ??,
they are so materialistic!!!!
they are not stopping , :(
forget it lets go to dance in kirtan that is simple :-)
I can't Do this ;-) "

But i persisted & tried my best .

Then HG Vaisesika Pr a book distributor for last 35+ yrs was teaching a newcomer how to stop people & distribute books
& i felt lets learn again ................why not ?? lets get some basics to work

He said " Use your Radar !!!! raise your hand & see into their eyes & say """ HI """ """How are you doing today ?"
Now the key here is when we look into their eyes they would respond
but response level is NOT the same of all people

1 --- some would look at you & then shun away
2 --- some would reply & say "Hi" but without a smile
3 --- some would reply & walk by fast thinking you are another salesperson

5 --- respond with a smile
6 --- when u walk to them they would walk to you

So a response of 0-5 has more possibility of book being rejected
but above 5 is excellent condition for book distribution

When i heard this ..... i said lets TRY IT ....
I had made up my mind & gave up my own way of Book distrbution
& took to this advice & opened my eyes
& said to myself " Lets be a friend to these souls "

& a normal smile came upon my face & i said to the first person " HI How are u doing today ??"
& he smiled back & said " Good" & then i walked to him smiling (bcos his response was 5 or 6)
& said " Here is a book for YOU . a book on yoga & meditation""
& then it WORKED ................ i got him take the book

i felt sooooooooooooooo happy ...............

& then i tried to every one who passed by .... some responded with 0-5 level so i did not disturb them but rather looked for another person...
& i could stop & distribute books to 5 people in this way

& lesson & realization i had was .... i felt satisfied with my service.I felt inner happiness .

When we try to distribute books we tend to force upon people, who have no interest ,with the expertise of our philosophical & tactical ways but the result is we are not able to distribute the books & this causes sadness in OUR heart .
rather if we concentrate & put energy on interested people we can have more chances of SUCCESS.

As i was reading Srimad Bhagavatam first canto the same point was expressed .
Srimad bhagavatam is the only thing that can bring revolution in the lives of unfortunate souls.
So why one shud think of HIS own way or idea of Revolutionizing this world
thus Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati said " He who think of reform needs to be reformed first "
Simply because Srimad Bhagavatam which is Krishna himself can only revolutionize the world.
better co-operate with HIM

So ifelt if i follow whole heartedly the ways of book distribution by experienced devotees like
HG Vaisesika Pr i can be a part of that revolution ....
& this is what happened on harinam .......... i felt for the first time satisfied.

2) an elderly person whom i stopped listened patiently to my explanation
& asked me a question " Can you explain in one line what is the purpose of the Book??"
I thought for a moment & said " It is to bring spiritual happiness in our lives"
& then again he asked " In one line can you explain what i am needed to do to really get benefit on this path."
& i thought for a moment & repeated the words of my guru & all acarayas " One needs to be Sincere on this path"

Apr 2, 2010

The bottled water cheating story
"""" the world is a place of cheaters & cheated """"